Since I left the organisation I have had training coming out of my ears. I've done a couple of counselling courses at college, trained in domestic violence, sexual violence and rape, impact and effects of crime and mental health (various issues). I do voluntary work for two local organisations, work part time in mental health and start my second year in psychology counselling in September. I manage to do this as a single parent with four kids. Nothing is impossible!
Since I started out on my new life I have made numerous friends and met many that have been an inspiration to me. My life is more enriched and those that I support at work have become my motivation to move on and continue in my studies.
Anybody that thinks that they are too old, too dumb, too stuck in their ways should think again.
When I left the organisation, I left my husband, my home, my posessions, my "friends", my entire way of life.
I took with me my three young children and my ten week old baby, a suitcase of photos, a few cherished items, a strong will to provide my kids with a better way of life and a great big dollop of hope.
When I look back now at that particular time in my life, although I had nothing in material terms, I was rich with opportunity. It was the best descision I ever made. Getting an education has been the second best!