Hi. I would like to introduce myself, I am a former member of The Way International. I came here from a link that Refiner posted at a board for Ex-Way people that I occassionally read. I was hoping to be able to join a few discussions.
by LadyExWay 16 Replies latest jw friends
Hi LadyExWay,
Welcome. Pull up a chair and enjoy the dialogue. Join in as often as you like. Get ready to meet the best people on the planet.
Freedom Fighter
Hi there and welcome
Excuse my ignorance but what is The Way? Just curious?
Welcome LadyExWay!
Good to see you here. I've read some about the group you were associated with at the Rick Ross site. Wow! There are some similarities between the Way group and the JW's (the two are cults). I hope that you will find your time spent here enlightening and rewarding.
Welcome to the Board. You will I am sure have in common many parallel emotional experiences with posters on this Board. Cult's and high-control religions surprisingly vary little in modus operandi.
Refiner you will find, is a kind and gracious man who would never think of damaging the emotional sensibilities of ex-cult survivors. He has made it his life?s aim to always show understanding and kindness to such ones, knowing himself what it was like to have been ensnared by cultist thinking. Imho a more noble and cuddly specimen you are unlikely to uncover on these Boards.
Listen to him, he will lead you to tranquil places where only Dante has walked before.
Hey Lady, welcome!
HS, you funny .
Welcome Lady. You know, it occurs to me that you have the perfect slogan for a t-shirt or whatever: No Way! The Jehovah's Witness name is just too dang long, we were struggling with t-shirt ideas in another thread and none of them has such a ring to it.
Wow. Thank you all for your gracious replies and welcome.
For those who asked, The Way International is another destructive, religious cult. I had spent 14 years in that group from my high school graduation till 1990. It has been a trip coming out and undoing the damage done, as I am sure that many can understand. I don't know a lot about Rick Ross but when I first emerged, Cult Awarness Network was still operational with the director of Cynthia Kisser (I believe that was her name) who got me hooked up with Steve Hasan's works, who is a former member of the Unification Church (moonie).
Right after leaving The Way International, I studied with JW's. There was a mother and daughter who would come to my door and witness to me, I was then married with a baby and was totally devastated over the things I had learned about the group that I thought was "God's Ministry" and "The Truth." They were the sweetest people, so I do believe the person who said on this thread that I would meet the greatest people here. But I was unable to believe anything doctrinally different at that time from what had been pounded into my head by my former group and then ended up leaving the state to move closer to family, so I lost contact with them.
The ironic and funny thing was that my old group thought the devil was making us move away, to trick and defeat us spiritually and the JW's thought the same thing about me leaving their study group to be closer to family. Some things may be labeled or phrased differently, but it is still the same mindcontrol, huh?
I look forward to participating and getting to know you all. I am now waiting for company for a BBQ, so I will be back tomorrow. Happy 4th of July to everyone.