All of a sudden this day, my spirits tumbled, my usual inner peace, turned sour. It was like a veil or cloud that decended on me, a feeling of intense sadness.
Anyone visiting or posting to this board over the last few days, has witnessed the 'wars' waging around us. I was very much a part of them, feeling a sense of relief that they were over. It is not over, the fires are faning again, new victims, old warrior's keeping the fight alive.
At first I told myself that I could simply ignore them, that worked for awhile, but I kept going back into the threads, hoping to see some positive turn of events. That has not happened, that is the reason for my sudden mood change. It's a mood Iam not to familiar with, in real life I seem to maintain a rather high level of happiness and contentment. This not good for me.
That said, may I make this plea to all current and former combatants in the wars? Stop the fighting...stop posting...or make up.
No position, stand, idea, or cause is worth dragging this warfare on. It is not healthy for me, and I will be presumptious and suggest it isn't healthy for anyone else, either.
I want to be here, accepted if possible, rejected or ignored as in real life, but I can't abide coming here for a continual diet of the hate and bitterness.
My participation in verbal assaults or war cry's is over. I don't like this mood Iam in.
I hope the other's still involved will come along with me on this.
Otherwise this board will not be the attractive place it has proved to be. Only a place to bring you down. There is quite enough potential in the real world at large to accomodate, that.
So come on guys lets put some real smiley faces on our sourpuss's.