Deja Vu...almost all over again

by SheilaM 13 Replies latest social family

  • SheilaM

    Not sure if you remember but last year my Golden Retriever Nick was stolen.....I still look for him and miss him gobs..

    Well, last night Thunder let Moxie our Cairn Terrier out and she was GONE she has never run off. I looked all over for her called and called drove around (Midnight mind you....Driving around Screaming for a dog SIGH) Finally...I gave up and came to bed crying...I couldn't believe she was gone.

    Last night we had a horrible storm Thunder lightning hail etc. No Moxie no barking

    Then this morning Thunder goes to the front door and opens it ..he comes back in and tell me " Their is a black piece of crap on the porch" YEP Moxie ...a much more humble Moxie LOLYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Never thought I'd miss that demon dog but I did and she was fine except scared to death ...hmmm serves her right

  • Valis

    *LOL* eh perhaps Thunder needs some catfish bait...


    District Overbeer

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    Sheila, what a terrible scare! I'm so glad everything turned out ok with Moxie - so sorry about Nick. How long has Nick been gone? You know, I've heard of quite a few cases where dogs show up years later . . . don't give up hope!

    - CF

  • Gadget

    I'm glad she's back! I still haven't seen anything of my kitten, she went missing a few weeks ago.

  • wednesday

    Several yrs ago, someone catnapped out kitty. we were sick with grief. we loved that cat. we moped about for 2 months, and one warm afternoon while sitting on the front porch, we saw a cat , looking just like him, walking down our street. we called his name, and he looked over. we rushed out to get him. at first he was not sure it was us, and confused. quickly he realized it was us, and we were all so happy. He looked wonderful, he'd been well cared for. somone had had him in their home and i guess he go out. He was looking for his home, and he just couldn't quite find it. I am so happy we were sitting on the porch that day. we still have him.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey SheilaM

    Glad your dog came home.

    Our little Westhighland Terrier freaks out whenever it Thunders and Lightening. She runs around the house crying and just shaking for all she is worth. She just hyperventilates.

    sometimes we have turned the radio up real loud so she can't hear it. Works.. if she can't hear it she is just fine.

    We have to tie her in the kitchen.


    p.s: When you first started the thread.. I thought maybe something (like a pillow) exploded in your washing machine..Nasty mess.

    Special K

  • SheilaM

    Special K Not funny ROFLMAO no I learned my lesson on that one.....

    Moxie has never been scared before but I guess a night in the storm changed all that.

    Gadget: Sorry about your kitty dang

    Valis: He has thought of that...LOL

    Carefully Faded: Thanks...Nic has been gone a full year he went missing last July 5 early in the morning. We had gone to a mini-fest in Texas. No one saw him and he was a HUGE Golden Retriever...I think the people behind us had people over and took him...he could find his way home even as a puppy so maybe one day

  • Mulan

    Our dog always takes off during fireworks. She jumps the fence and starts running. We try to put her in the garage (not a house dog) but if we aren't home, she takes off. This year, she still jumped the fence but stayed in the neighborhood.

    Glad you got your baby back.

  • Sunspot

    I'm glad to hear the good news that she came back! She doesn't seem to be so "full of Moxie" any more, huh? LOL

    WE had a cat that unexpectedly took off one night---and we did the whole bit, combing the neighborhood and hollering her name, etc. We finally gave it up.

    Two months later I went out to the porch and there she was, kinda ratty looking, but otherwise okay and sleeping on a lawn chair! Go figure!

    Goofy animals!

  • Sassy

    I am soooo glad she came back Sheila. I know how much you missed your other dog and it would have been horrible to have this happen again....

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