Congrats O Beloved District Overbeer!
Valis joins very exclusive Club
by stillajwexelder 42 Replies latest jw friends
Eh Big T...when you first started posting I don't know why, but I really didn't care for you for some reason...*LOL* How funny is that my good friend? Funny how things work out. Oh and when I return from my diplomatic mission overseas we'll get to frying some trout
desi...I'm glad you and your dad found us and I hope to meet you again sometime real soon.
District Overbeer
Big Tex
but I really didn't care for you for some reason
haha! Well probably because I tend to be "preachy". I've been told that more than once by several people.
It's funny you mention trout, that's what I had for lunch. Well, let me know and we'd love to get together!
desi...I'm glad you and your dad found us and I hope to meet you again sometime real soon.
Thanks, Valis! Next apostafest.....we're there, man....
Wow, I am longer at JWD than you are, Valis. But 10.7 posts a day... Wow!
eh German...wouldn't mind attending a German Apostafest some day..and ya you have been here longer. Back in the good olde days eh? I work online so JWD is always accessible to me..
District Overbeer
This fourth I was remembering when I was up w/joannadandy and eyegirl in Duluth...awesome fireworks that spread all accross the bay..
sure.. you had to go and make me homesick!
It's ok.. I was missing the fireworks over the harbor on the 4th any way.............
Congrats, Valis. You are just yourself, which is a very good thing. I appreciate people who are real.
Also, I know that you would be a good person to have at one's back in a crisis.
Here's to Dallas in 2005! Can't wait to meet y'all in person. :)
oh yeah.....Dallas in 2005! That is a definate for Sassy!!