I think JWs will be around forever. I do believe they will, as time goes on, lose many or most of their members. But I do think that there will always be some around to continue the religion....Maybe years from now they'll become more mainstream, I don't know.
POLL----Will The Witness Religion Ever Cease To Exist?
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Will The Witness Religion Ever Cease To Exist? probably not - but they will cease to be the force they are now - I still think the abuse thing can cripple them and the Internet is just wonderful -free flow of information is always the answer to high control organizations.
The WWCOG (Worldwide Church of God--Herbert Armstrong) broke up in to several pieces and changed their doctrines dramatically; but they are still here. The LDS broke up into 2 pieces and still exists. Several factions have broken off from the WTS in the past and the still exist. I imagine some form of the WTS will exist in the years to come, smaller perhaps with changes in its doctrines. After all, how many things does the WTS teach today that they taught 100 years ago? It could be that after a few hundred years the WTS made morph into something else as the Anabaptists did.
Think of all the "clarifications" and "adjustments" the WTS has made since 1960
1961--DFing for taking a blood transfusion (2000 changed to DAing)
1962--secular governments are "superior authorities" (1929-1962 Jehovah and Jesus were "superior authorities")
1963--Babylon the Great the world empire of false religion
1969--GT did not start in 1914 and end in 1918 to start up again at a future date
1973--DFing for using tobacco
1975--The end did not come
1980--Definition of "sacred service" reversed
1988--People who died at Sodom and Gomorrah will not be resurrected (after being adjusted back and forth several times)
1995--Sheep and goats to be separated when GT begins; 1914 generation laid to rest
1996--Alternative service allowed
1999--Disgusting thing (UN) has not yet started standing in a holy place (once taught 1919 was the date it started)
2000--Blood fractions allowed
What does the future hold?
I don't think anything really lasts forever. Except maybe time. .
"Ever"???????? Struth mate, that's a mighty long time! Too long for me to know or contemplate, so my answer is Yes!
When that will be is anybody's guess. only One knows.
The "truth" will live on forever.
What is "Truth?"
It won't cease to exist. It's not in their interest to become too big neither. As long as they stay relatively small, they will continue to exist. If they become too big, that's when they could get into trouble and split up and fall apart.
Not likely . Year 2913 they will preach that the end is near and the GT will start next year. The newlight for the year will be that you are not to eat, inhale or do oxygen transplantation.
No matter what happens, there will always be a JW group around. Big businesses just don't easily go away unless the gov't shuts them down. Now if THAT happened......