aluminum foil causes alzheimers
these guys could be spokespeople for the Bush administration. They ignore hard scientific data too. LOL
by badboy 17 Replies latest jw friends
aluminum foil causes alzheimers
these guys could be spokespeople for the Bush administration. They ignore hard scientific data too. LOL
I kid you not about the recycle numbers. Here is what they really mean:
...and here is some urban legendy things about water bottles:
That all these freaky diets - fit for Life The Low Carb etc are all like The Truth in many ways (I kid you not)
I've always been amused about the Witlesses claiming the earth was enshrouded with a canopy of water which prevented UV rays from hitting the earth. This allowed man to live "forever" but when Adam screwed up it resulted in the global flood from the canopy falling as rain. Without the protection our lives have been limited..blah, blah, blah.
Man, jgnat, I'm no pseudoscientist!
Here I was tossing it down the drain.
Here is what I found about the water vapour theory. It ain't just the JW's who go nuts over this:
Muscle Testing... reflexology..
probably not just JWs who go for these... but somehow they seem especially prone to all the "alternative" medicine crap.
No Apologies
aluminum foil causes alzheimers
Aluminium has always been considered bad by the Borg.
1929- "'Off Aluminum for Life' If they think aluminum poisoning is a good way to hasten their footsteps out of this world, it is all well with us. But it is a general human attribute to try to stay in this world as long as possible.. aluminum poisoning is killing more people every day than the flu." {GAGE Mar 20 1929 406-7}