Hey I just noticed, I made it to Senior Member....very cool!!
Anyone know what post limits are for these???
by New Castles 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hey I just noticed, I made it to Senior Member....very cool!!
Anyone know what post limits are for these???
Hey that is WOW!! Now I hope you understand that since you are reaching out more will be expected of you and your sayings should be as apples of gold in silver carvings OH and they should also be seasoned with salt.
Stephanie, you only have eight toes?
I dare you to tap your heels together 3 times and say "there's no place like home".
LOL, thanks!!!
Congratulations New Castles
Stefanie. Nice Toe Cleavage !
Oooooh, toes!
I like your shoes, but are they comfortable for field service?
LMAO the toes took over the thread..lol
Congrats again Castles.