Pet Peeves thread...

by Brummie 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman


    I'm afraid that you have just given away the fact that you are most definitely living with a lady.

    You see, the behaviour on which you are commenting - and objecting to BTW -is definitely a girlie one. Girls do insist that they want the top of the milk, and will therefore open up another bottle even though the one in the fridge is awaiting consumption.

    The same thing happens with butter, biscuits and bread. They want it to be FRESH! So, they discard the half finished open packet of whatever and open a new packet/bottle/ box.


  • ApagaLaLuz

    People who are NOT punctual. If you say we're leaving at 9, and I get there at 8:57 only to discover you're just getting in the shower, I will leave your sorry ass. It irritates the hell outta me when people have no concept of time. Dont tell me you'll be there in 20 minutes if you're an hour away.

    Oh yeah, and women who scream at their kids out in public. *news flash* you look terrible and trashy when you scream at your kids in public.

  • Brummie

    Thanks for the tip anglise..hahaha, cant wait for the next call.

    haha eman, my ex lady used to do all those things, but my wife finds it a pet peeve for those things to happen. She's worse than I am when she finds 2 or 3 of the same things open, but my 2 sons couldnt care less, they just open everything.

  • Brummie
    Oh yeah, and women who scream at their kids out in public

    now THAT is definately a pet peeve


  • Gretchen956

    People who don't use their turn-signal.
    People who squeeze the toothpaste out of the middle.
    People who cut me off and then drive very slowly.

    Thats it for today!


  • Brummie

    bleeeeeerk @ those 3 things...grrr


  • Stefanie
    and women who scream at their kids out in public

    No kidding! I hate that crap!

    when someone forgets to refill the toilet pater thingy in the bathroom!

  • stillajwexelder

    minimus hogging all the best questions and threads

  • talesin

    So, we women like to 'open' things? I must say, there is something satisfying about a fresh jar of peanut butter, you know, the one with the peanut on top! hahaha

    Unlike men, who never use the 'last' of anything. My ex's favorite line was,

    "No, the milk carton/ice cream container/toilet paper roll was NOT empty. I left some for you!"

    Yes, a drop of milk, a teaspoon of ice cream, and one sheet of TP. Right, technically, it wasn't empty.

    Must be a guy thing! LOLOL

  • Stefanie

    When someone forgets to put the toilet seat down and I am drunk and my ass ends up getting all wet!

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