.....like I said, no one will get appointed.An elder from 20 yrs. ago will veto it so it's not unnanimous.
New policy about appointing elders
by XQsThaiPoes 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I know one brother who had problems in one congregation, so he moved to another congregation for 6 months, then he moved out of state thinking that the BOE would check with the last congregation. Well, that BOE figured they didn't have much to say about him, so forwarded it to the previous congo where he had had problems. Boy, was that brother mad. That was 20 years ago. But the elders do lie and protect each other besides the individual lies they can tell about themselves. Some think omitting information is not the same as telling untrue information.
I'm sure they're being more careful. The WTS has effectively distanced itself from responsiblity for the elders' actions.
I heard the EXACT OPPOSITE. I heard recently that it is the CO who recommends the appointment and that the body only recommendas a brother for discussion and the CO appoints -so even if the the Body is split on its decision over a brother the CO can overide and it is he that recommends the brother and the Branch committee under the oversight of the GB make the appointment - not heard the background check thing
I am sorry I may have been vague the co is in the loop to. I'll ask about it to make sure, but I believe the co comes in after they check yur back ground.
I guess the Holy Spirit isn't appointing elders anymore (tongue in cheek)
You're tongue may have been in your cheek, but that statement really says a lot.
Why do they need to do all these background checks? If a BOE recommends a brother for MS or elder and it makes its way to the GB to be prayed over and have the holy spirit appoint, wouldn't that holy spirit, God's active force, know if they were worthy or not? Why would the holy spirit need background checks from previous congregations? It should already know these things. God sees all and knows all so therefore his holy spirit would know not to appoint someone who is a secret sinner.
Doubtfully Yours
If this is true, then it's a good measure.
And what if the old ciongregation split, what if it's ben years and publishers and come and gone, who they gonna ask??
They should go back to the old days and let the congregation elect their elders and servants. If I had my vote, none of the elders I served with would be elders. The congregation knows them better than some old farts at bethel.
Would you know how a person's name gets on the DB of abusers?
As I understand it, all DF'd people (including abusers) are reported to Bethel on a special form sent in by the elder body. Do suspected abusers get put on that list...I don't know and no one I asked knew either. All I know is when an elder called the "service desk" to check up on a DF'd brother who was an abuser, the brother on the other end just keyed in his name and suddenly he had a lot of detailed info on him.
According to policy supposedly instituted in the mid 90s any man that divorced his wife to be with another or cheated on her so that she divorced him, even if she has subsequently remarried, is still "a husband of more than one wife" and so never qualified to be an Elder. However the CO's were told to tell the bodies to have a "don't ask, don't tell" approach to such matters of the past. The whole thing was arbitrary and uninforcible so unless the guy was a total idiot and volunteered that he had been married before, they would never know.
That means WTs allow straight out polygamy! If they never recognize a marriage as terminated upon divorce they are allowing more than one wife. There are some brothers in africa that would be pissed upon finding out this sorta reasoning is allowed in the states(to disqalify brothers) but not in the homeland (to allow converts to keep their mates).