Circuit assembly wolf tale

by cyber-sista 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyber-sista

    Just got this one in the email. Someone already posted this one, but it was sent to me by a "friend" who no longer communicates with me and then sends me something like this from the circuit assembly. Guess she thinks that now that I am "inactive" I may need this little wake up call. Sad to think that some would view this as an inspirational motivator. For any of you who missed this the first time around--this is the kind of stuff you missed at the assembly this summer.

    Will Jehovah Recognize You?

    (Talk given at a Circuit Assembly by Br. McIntosh) There was a farmer who raised sheep and had trouble with wolves stealing his sheep. He loved his sheep and didn't want to lose even one of them.

    One day the wolves came and the farmer quickly raised his rifle and POW! - killed every wolf he shot at. As he turned his rifle toward a shadow he saw a puppy wolf huddling beside a fence post shivering. The farmer felt sorry for him, picked him up, tucked him inside his coat and took him home.

    As time passed, the farmer grew to love the puppy wolf & took him everyday to help him tend his sheep. The sheep loved the puppy wolf too & thought of him as one of them. The puppy wolf learned to call the sheep by their names, just like the farmer did. It wasn't long before he grew to full size & the farmer trusted him to care for his sheep while he rode to town to buy supplies.

    Then one day the puppy wolf was running in the farmer's field & heard howling in the woods. He ran to the edge of the fence & watched as a pack of wolves approached. They seemed happy to see him although he didn't recognize them. One by one they told him of all the fun they were having, running anywhere they wanted, doing whatever they one telling them what to do! They invited him to come on the other side of the fence with them. The puppy wolf thought about the fence & how he'd never been on the other side of it. The more he listened he began to wonder if he was missing out on something.

    It only took another minute & he dug under the fence and left with the pack. For three seasons he lived with the wolves. They had plenty to eat & did whatever they wanted. It was such fun & he was glad for the choice he made. But winter came & everyone became hungry & restless.

    It was cold, so cold, where they had to sleep. The puppy wolf began to think about the farmer & how he'd never slept cold & never felt hunger. Soon he heard the leader of the pack announce it was time to steal some of the farmer's sheep, so they could survive the winter.

    The puppy wolf loudly exclaimed, "NO, they are my friends, don't hurt them".

    But the leader said, "You're one of us now, do as you're told!" They all began to run fast toward the farmer's property.

    The puppy wolf reluctantly followed. Soon they arrived & began to dig under the farmer's fence. The farmer heard his sheep cry out so he grabbed his rifle & ran to shoot at the wolves. BANG! He killed one after another & soon was face to face with a wolf backed up against the fence post who cried out, "Wait, don't shoot me. I'm the puppy you raised. I'm your friend. Don't you remember me?"

    But the farmer looked at the wolf & saw how matted his coat was & how he smelled like the rest of the pack. He said to the wolf, "I don't know you. He raised his rifle and pulled the trigger.. BANG !!! The wolf was dead!

    There was silence in the auditorium, and then the brother giving the talk said,
    "Brothers.... When Armageddon comes and Jesus is doing his destruction work..... will he recognize you"?

  • Confucious

    This is some Crazy Sh^t you know???

    Wrong Freek'in Analogy.

    How about the analogy of the Wolf in Sheeps clothing that beats the hell out of the sheep. (elders)

    What about that one???

    Another great orator gave that story.

    His name is Jesus.

  • new light
    new light

    Gotta love the way the ol' WTS paints Jesus as some kind of heavenly Terminator. In the WTS' version, Jesus is resurrected and, right before ascending to heaven, looks at everyone sternly and says with an Austrian accent, "I'll be back."

  • czarofmischief

    The wolf could talk?


  • blondie

    Why do the COs and DOs think they can improve on Jesus words? Who really are the wolves? The rank and file or the religious leaders as in Jesus' time?

    "Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep?s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. MATTHEW 7:15

    Who have proven to be the false prophets with their prophecies of 1874, 1878, 1881, 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975, 1914 dismantling in 1995....?

    MATTHEW 7:20-23 Really, then, by their fruits YOU will recognize those [men]. " Not everyone saying to me, ?Lord, Lord,? will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ?Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?? And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.

    Or as the Contemporary English Version says:

    Matthew 7 20 You can tell who the false prophets are by their deeds.

    A Warning

    (Luke 13.26,27)
    21 Not everyone who calls me their Lord will get into the kingdom of heaven. Only the ones who obey my Father in heaven will get in. 22 On the day of judgment many will call me their Lord. They will say, "We preached in your name, and in your name we forced out demons and worked many miracles." 23 But I will tell them, "I will have nothing to do with you! Get out of my sight, you evil people!"

    This CO-inspired illustration ranks up there with comparing the rank and file to a baby elephant chained to a stake that is conditioned not to stray even when it gets big enough to pull the stake out of the ground or comparing non-JWs to corpses and that being married to one is like kissing a corpse or that God doesn't value little, dirty pennies just big, shiny quarters.

  • Maverick
    The point is that this story has no real value. It assumes that being outside the WTS is like being a wild animal. It assumes Jesus is going to kill everyone outside the WTS. It makes useless comparisons about the nature and value of difference animal species. It sounds dramatic but has no real meaning. Which makes this story a perfect example of everything the WTS stands for and is.
  • blondie

    What does it mean when you see "Poster's PC might have Spyware" in the background of someone's post (Maverick's)? Do I have the spyware or does Maverick?


  • Mary

    Yes, I did a response last time someone posted me, this is a sick, warped illustration and it goes to show the depths of their insanity that they would ever consider giving such a pathetic illustration. Let us not forget: a wolf is a carnavor and yes, it will hunt other animals, kill them and eat them in order to survive. Even if you raised a wolf from infancy on, there's no gurantee that it ain't gonna try and grab one of the sheep one night---it's in their nature.

    Now even if we can reeeeeally stretch our imaginations and assume that wolves can talk, does anyone actually believe that a farmer would shoot a wolf when it wasn't attacking a sheep, when it was basically just asking you "hey, remember me?"

    Plus, the illustration is silly, as it assumes that all non-JWs are wolves or other wild animals just waiting to devour a Dub. A better illustration would be to be aware of the wolves in sheeps clothing..........then again, some might have caught on to that.

    I think those at the assembly who hear this illustration are going to be more shocked and repulsed, rather than be comforted.

  • NeonMadman

    And, let's see - this farmer couldn't recognize the wolf whom he had actually befriended, but made his judgment call based entirely upon outward the farmer supposed to be pictorial of Jesus, of whom it was written in Isaiah 11:3, " he will not judge by any mere appearance to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to the thing heard by his ears"? And who said at John 7:24, " Stop judging from the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."?

    I guess the WTS is handling scriptural concepts as well as it ever did...


    The wolf illustration was used at the DC this year also. I thought it was cold hearted and cruel. Some sister chimed in after the brother gave the illustration "wow... that was a good one"

    This is what brain-washing does... the WT takes a persons emotions and corrupts them. Personally I think they were referring to apostates as the "wolf pack" it was a caution not to listen to the truth about the "truth".

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