Since the demons can't multiply and produce baby demons, my theory is that if the earth's population increases, then there is less likelyhood that the demons and a singular Devil will get to us.....Whaddya think?
If The Population Increases Does It Mean There Would Be Less Demon Control?
by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends
That just means more animals are being reborn as humans as preexisting humans destroy their environment.. Anyway, if there were demons it stands to reason they would rather infest humans then pigs.
You're running out of good questions, I take it.
The answer is technology - it allows S.T. Debbil and the Deeminz to do more with less.
Gita, I think this a great question. C'mon, really, who would even have thought this 1 up but moi?
You've just got me all used to high quality questions is all.
Where do demons come from? Well when a mandemon loves a womendemon, and they are married, sometimes they want to get close together, in a special way.. and then...
Here's the point....JWs say that since we are living in the last days, demon activity would be greater now than at any other time. But there are more persons than there are demons, so---that's great news!
Yes, but they can move really fast. I mean that one angelic commando that took out the Assyrians wiped out over 100,000 of them in a night. Just assuming a 12 hour sundown and 100,000 assyrians that's 138.9 Assyrians confirmed dead per minute not counting wounded (the bible didn't include wounded statistics in their Battle Damage Assessments). So these mofos are fast.
why can't one demon affected more than one person? dunno, maybe a demonic program on tv or demonised music would reach lots of people, whether they choose to be infected is their own problem..
"These mofos are fast.".......Yeah but deminz gotta sleep sometimes too!
I beg to differ with you Min, I think Demons really CAN reproduce, in fact I think I have a cousin that is proof of being a demon child.