from another Bible help please..

by strawpuppy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • prgirl79

    1) of course they want to talk to you ever heard of love bombing! They want to recruit all the time!

    2) "they try to find the answer" sorry to be mean but that is funny. Try asking questions you will get it is a new light, wait on Jehovah, serve more, read more. Try and question them better yet get baptized and after that ask a question you will see how quickly they answer it!

  • Brummie
    For one they are always very eager to talk

    Your on a forum of people who JWs are not eager to talk too, that includes mothers not speaking to their children, brothers not speaking to sisters, gran not speaking to grandchildren, children not speaking to their parents.

    You did nothing wrong in posting your first post, but people will react strongly to being told that the JW interpretation of scripture is the best, esspecially since its their misinterpretation of scripture that has broken up so many families.

    Anyway, I hope you will get some good correspondance on the many interpretations of Scripture, there are Governing body interpretations that even the JWs find embarrasing and refuse to answer because they sound so wack (i.e members of 144000 dead ones communicating with the living)..they wont be so happy to talk about these.

    Take care


  • prgirl79

    Brummie brings up a good point try asking questions on things they have changed believe me they won't be so happy to talk about it. T

  • Crazy151drinker


    You forgot:

    And Four they do cool things like let people die due to some idiotic always changing blood policy while the rest of the world says "What a bunch of morons! How did they interpret that? I guess they dont eat meat, wouldnt want any blood....."

    Try the Quotes link and see how much longer you think they have the right interpretations (funny how from year to year those interpretations change! Must be NEW LIGHT! Ask them about the world ending in 1975 LOL. I hope your never had shots as a kid! Thats how you get DEMONS! LOL. Right interpretations my ass )

  • jgnat

    mmmm, there are others who know "every inch" of the bible far better. In my experience, the JW's are well-rehearsed on the verses they need to support their doctrines. There are whole whacks of the bible they are very weak on.

    Oh yes, the JW's are very accessible to the casual searcher. That doesn't make them the experts. Does McDonald's provide the best food?

    The story you relate smells of urban legend. It is not entirely accurate. Here is some more information on the Golden Gate:

    "The gate was probably open during the Byzantine period, and the Emperor eraclius entered through it after taking Jerusalem in 629. After the Muslim onquest, when the Dome of the Rock and the EI-Aksa Mosque were built, it was blocked to prevent unsupervised access to the mosque area.

    In the time of the Crusaders it was opened twice a year on Christian festivals: once in the spring, on Palm Sunday, recalling Jesus' triumphal entry to the city through this gate (St. Matthew XXI, 1-8); and once in the autumn, to commemorate the entry of the Emperor Heraclius. The gate was finally closed under Turkish rule."

  • stephoness

    Many people mentioned the Quotes website but no one posted a direct link, so I will do so now. This website has quotes directly from JW literature and shows the changing beliefs and attitudes of the JWs. Please take a look and see how the JW interpretation has changed severely over the years. Then ask yourself, if this is the most accurate inerpretation, then why is it constantly changing it's mind? Which version of the JW beliefs are you talking about because what a JW says now is very different from what the exact same JW said 5 years ago.

  • prgirl79

    i couldn't say it as well as you guys!!!

    jgnat is right all jw's are are well rehearsed. And of course they are accesible you are a potential person to recruit and a "casual researcher"

    Good One Jgnat does mcdonald's provide the best food!! :)

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    when someone says thats true, or thats right or theirs is the best....compared to what?

    how can any interpretation be the best unless you met God and he told you?

    people say that God did speak to them... but I ask, how did you KNOW it was God? again they just KNEW it... which to me means they had some ideal fantasy within them and had an experience which triggered a match...nothing more.... perhaps their lack of alternatives and lack of imagination played into this...who knows?

    as an agnostic, as I myself am, I would caution you to challenge all beliefs invented by your mind until you acheive omniscience (^_^)

    everyone has their own BS [belief system], its important to understand that taking anyones BS too seriously will only cause you grief.

  • Double Edge
  • Odrade

    Sorry to jump all over you hon, it's just that many of us here have been very hurt by the JWs' interpretation of the scriptures claiming that they have scriptural authority over every aspect of our lives, from which family members we can talk to, to whether men can grow facial hair, to what kinds of medical treatment we can accept or reject. And on, and on.

    For three, they always try to find the answer out...unlike some other Christain ministers who before the question gets finished throw up their hands in submission..

    Awww you know what I mean..there are so many interpretations...They just seem to know every inch of the Bible

    Yes, JWs do go and research your questions. Do you know how they do it? Do you think they go home and use Strong's Concordance, or any theological reference work? No, they go home and look in the Watchtower Society's unreferenced materials, written by men who are neither trained, nor scholars, nor objective. If the JW looking for this answer cannot find it within the pages of books and magazines published by the Watchtower Society Corporation, do you think they turn to their bibles themselves and consider the text, context and history to arrive at an interpretation? No, they call someone who is a better searcher through the Watchtower's books and magazines. If they still hit a dead end, do they go to the nearest Theology Library and do a little digging? Well, most likely at that point they would give up and conveniently "forget" to return to speak with you.

    Does that help you understand just a little some of the incredulous replies you received? It's kind of a hot subject with most of us.


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