This constitutes France's first decisive military victory since the early Napoleanic Wars.
LOL!! Gita, you always make me laugh!!
by Simon 18 Replies latest social current
This constitutes France's first decisive military victory since the early Napoleanic Wars.
LOL!! Gita, you always make me laugh!!
... ... (the art of efficiency ) ! ... Oh well ... nobody's dead
he he he
Don't you just love those faces - you can tell the photographer probably told them to look sad / annoyed :
That is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Are they wearing some sort of uniforms or do all british children dress like Santa's Elves?
They were dressed up like Peter Pan, and the swords were part of the consumes.
eh maybe they belong to the Jungvolk...
District Overbeer
We get through customs, and you've got a gift shop selling large die-cast metal 11in Eiffel Tower spikes
Well, looks as if the French have finally found someone they have the courage to fight, little children. The stupidity of taking plastic swords from children while letting Eiffiel Tower spikes on the plane is beyond belief. The lesson here is:
stay completely away from France and French products !!!
We know someone that had their nail clippers taken off them before getting on the
Flying from NY to Cali my 83 year old grandmother got here nail file taken away from here.
Here is the states in first and business they serve all silver ware, except for the butter knife, which is now plastic. Unless of course you travel outside of the states where you can still get a real butterknife most of the time. Beware of the butterknifes I say!!