Canadian Health Care

by Corvin 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin

    Greetings to all my Canadian friends on this forum. First of all, I just want to say that I have never ever met a Canadian I did not like. That sort of freaks me out and makes me question and analyze my psyche a bit, lol.

    I had a dinner guest tonight, Tony, and while he is a very nice guy, he is a bit strange. He loves to talk politics and religion and we had a lively conversation that lasted til 2am this morning. (He is a staunch card carrying repuplican and he got his damn conservative juice all over me, LOL)

    He made a comment abote Canadian health care and was saying that the quality of the health care system itself is far below that of the US. He asserts that because the doctors in Canada can't make inflated fees for their services and all get paid the same, that they simply don't care to give the best of care to their patients.

    OK, Canadians, please educate me on this issue. Do any of you have any complaints about the quality of health care in your country?


  • talesin

    Hahaha, that's really funny. Tony has his head up his arse, and sounds like he is thoroughly brainwashed in the "American is always better" bull$hit.

    Health care quality is declining. The waiting lists for surgery, and in Emergency rooms are growing. I have to tell the truth about that! It makes me angry, though, that we are having this crisis and have endangered our amazing system of health care.

    It's a big fight that we have on our hands, to KEEP our GREAT socialized medicine. Up till the last 10 years, it was very, very good. It, like everything else the government controls, has been mismanaged. Still, I do not want it to go commercial!

    I have heard all about the HMOs, and how your people are being treated by the insurance companies! It's disgusting.

    We have wonderful, caring doctors here. Yes, some are bastards, but HELLO, that's how it is in EVERY profession.

    Also, Canada has the FINEST NURSES IN THE WORLD. If you want to travel, or emigrate to the US, all you have to do is get your BSc in Nursing from Dalhousie University, and you can write your own ticket. And you can take THAT to the bank!

    My latest experience, as an example,

    I had an abcess. Saw my GP in January, and after 3 years of treating it, decided to go the surgery route. Got an appt. with the surgeon in February, had surgery on March 30, because he had a cancellation. If I had waited the normal time, the surgery would have been late May. NOT BAD, HUH? And that was not life-threatening.

    My uncle had a heart attack in February. Five days later, he had a triple bypass. Done, fixed.

    Our drugs (Rx) are NOT paid for by the government unless you are on welfare. But doctor visits, tests, hospital, surgeries, psychiatry, physiotherapy and necessary dental surgery are paid for by the sales tax we pay.

    Other services not paid for by medicare are private psychologist (unless you see one at the mental hospital or the government agency that has a stable of them, but you must wait 3-6 mos for an appointment), massage, acupuncture and other holistic forms of medicine, dentist, eyeglasses.

    That's all I can think of right now ... off to work!

  • wednesday

    in 91 one of my sons was in a an adolescent unit for help with his behavior. the docs running the program also had an adult unit. They were busing canadians down for their program. we had dinner one night with a couple. they said there were long waits for care and some types of treatment were just unavailable (ie the psych teatment being provided by these docs). the docs specialized in phobia type teatment. generally speaking, they were very unhappy with their healthcare system. i became friends with one and she called me from canada, telling me she could not get proper psychiatric care. they all seemed very hunappy about the care.long waits, some servies just not available, being the gist of it.

  • talesin


    To hear the negative side, talk to Morty here on the board. She has been royally screwed, and still waiting for her surgery!

    It is NOT perfect. HELLO. Here we go with the black-and-white thinking again.

    Yes Wednesday, just like your wonderful country (hahaha, 40 million Americans have NO HEALTH CARE NONE), we do not have EVERY new technique available. Do you want to start comparing, because I am ready! So sick of American superiority attitudes. *puke*

    If your friend cannot get proper psychiatric help, then she needs to get someone to advocate for her. It's a two-way street. I am pro-active, so get what I need. As a health care CONSUMER, I realize that the medical system only works when I do my part.

  • talesin

    Not to steal the thread, Corvin, but this burns my a$$.

    Clean up your own backyard before you start criticizing mine.

    The Illini chapter of the Association of

    American Physicians and Surgeons,

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    Thursday, May 13, 2004

    Ogden Elementary School

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    6:30 pm (Refreshments served)


    Congressmen Phil Crane (R-IL) & Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) (Invited)

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    Doctors widely support CDHC and HSAs as well, as it puts medical decisions back in the hands of patients and doctors, rather than managed care bureaucrats. Several unions have endorsed HSAs for their members.

    This town hall will explain how patients can take advantage of tax-deductible savings account, how to find an insurance plan, patient education tools that help you make good decisions about insurance and treatments, why CDHC reduces medical costs for everyone, how it strengthens privacy protections, what to do about medical liability insurance, and how other tax reforms will empower consumers.

    We?ll also give you information on how to talk to your doctor, decide if medical tests are necessary, and ways to keep down the costs of prescription drugs. IF YOU?RE FED UP, BRING YOUR QUESTIONS!

    NOTE: This event is part of the national ?Covered the Uninsured Week? held May 10 -15 to draw national attention to strategies for reducing medical costs and increasing access to care. Television?s ?ER? star, Noah Wylie, serves as national spokesman, and former Presidents Ford (R) and Carter (D) are honorary co-chairs.

    1601 N. Tucson Blvd. Suite 9
    Tucson, AZ 85716-3450
    Phone: (800) 635-1196
    Hotline: (800) 419-4777
    Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.
    A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943
    Omnia pro aegroto
  • Corvin

    Please remember that I am not personally criticizing the Canadian socialized health care system, for I have always had the impression that overall, it was pretty good stuff. With as little knowledge as I have, I dissagreed with my friend and pointed out how greedy and wacked this nation's health care system is.

    I took my brother, age 41, to the emergency room the other day. He had suffered a heart attack. He does not have insurance, cannot afford insurance right now, and was treated very badly by the doctors and nurses. He was so pissed he checked himself out and has contacted one of the cardiologists my family has used in the past.

    I appreciate everyone's contribution here regarding Canada's health care system. Please tell me more.


  • wednesday


    that was a totally unecessry attack at me . I simply responded to what corvin asked. of course the usa has a lot of health care concens. i don't recall anything i said being anti-canadian. put your guns away, i'm not attacking canada. i don't live there, just reporting what i was told by somone who does live there. why are in on the attack?

  • talesin

    Oh, I thought he was asking Canadians to report on their impressions of OUR health care system.

    Sorry, I thought you were doing the usual thing, that is, relating an individual horror story designed to show how horrible socialized health care is, and how we have to come to your country to be properly cared for.

    My bad.

    Corvin, I did not think you were being critical, simply seeking information.

  • Corvin

    Children, children! You shouldn't fight over such things. Although Canada is to blame for the corruption of our children through Terrance and Phillup cartoons, we can all agree that Socialized health care might be the better solution to a hard problem.


  • SixofNine
    He made a comment abote Canadian health care

    You love these gentle people, yet you mock them?

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