As a dub I became increasingly aware over the years that many people fell away from Watchtowerland, for various reasons. Just one many aspects of JWism that I was wholly unaware of before I signed the dotted line. To combat the cognitive dissonance that this knowledge brought, I unconsciously developed several mental caricatures of these "apostates" and fall-aways:
1. The born-again flag-worshipping ex-JW turned Christian fundy
2. The hardened, hateful atheist
3. The miserable "I know it's the truth I just can't live up to it and I guess I'm going to die at the big A" inactive but sympathetic types
4. Raised in it, never took to it, and left as a young adult to live like the world does
It took all of a day or so of perusing this board for my broad and inaccurate caricaturized notions of ex-witnesses to be utterly destroyed, and that was what gave me the impetus to cut the final mental strings that were pulling me back to the KH. Ex-witnesses turned out to be nothing at all like I had imagined them to be in my constricted little borg mind, a mind that now keeps becoming more and more open with every day.
What I found here was one of the most interesting, thought-provoking, hilarious, maddening, bizarre, intelligent, stupid, creative potpourris of humanity that I've ever encountered, as opposed to the glassy eyed drones at the KH. This board literally changed my life. I can't even tell you what a different person I am then the guy who stumbled on this board a little over 2 years ago.
I don't know if I would have ever completely left mentally had it not been for this db. In the weeks prior to my finding my way here, I had been planning on spending the rest of my life as a #3, a miserable existence that probably is the lot of many in ex-JW land.