f. They quote portions from Vincent Wigglesworth, who considers scientific method to be a religious approach.
g. When someone rejects belief in God, he is simply exchanging one type of faith for another.
h. Belief in God is not blind faith, for there is overwhelming evidence of God?s existence
Hillary-Step ?
...scour the Creationist websites looking for para-scientific quotes that they then fob off on the uniformed as 'science'. For example, this website http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/quotes.html contains the quotes from that Watchtower that you analyse above.?AlanF
, ?The quotes you provided, jgnat, indicate that the Watchtower Society is still up to its old tricks of borrowing material from the creationists of that old whore, Babylon the Great. The ideas expressed in The Watchtower are exactly the same as those put forth by today's so-called Intelligent Design creationists.?Too true. I kept banging in to these Creationist websites while I hunted down the original quotes. Sadly, most of the quotes were truncated to suit the site-owners, not to provide the full context. Shame creationists, shame Watchtower. I wonder how much original scholarship goes on at Bethel these days?
, those are very nice comment on my own perspective on faith. These durn athiests/agnostics on the board sent me back to my foundations, and made me think about what I really believe. I think they helped me be a better Christian, far less dogmatic.