But saying that i also think that men do design some really beautiful and fantastic things. They have an inward beauty that comes out in theese things that at times leaves me awestruck.
Men can be just as nurturing, caring and beautiful as women. I just think that men, still, are not encouraged enought to learn how to harness theese qualities in themselves........ Lehaa . I agree.
Okay I am usually not a stickler for the letter of the word or-simpler put-don't usually nitpik for definitions but on defining "beautiful"-- means ~very pleasant to look at or hear. giving delight to the mind... On this basis for me I gotta say, Men are more beautiful.. although I appreciate Pretty women when I see them. I gotta say. certain males are only ones who have evoked delight! to my mind..or hearing...or have made me stop and think. nice to look at.
I can relate to the artistic view of things.but since my art leans towards painting/drawing critters. which again ,as has been mentioned animal males or fowl males are usually the most beautiful.
I too have seen some people purty on the out-side ugly on the inside...and visa/versa...Not pleasant out here to see,but gorgeous in-side.
YOU can't tell me there aren't some butt ugly women and just as many butt ugly men.... sheila thats funny
Dan-o you are so funny! DTman, thanks for the car pics my grand-daughter loves cars! Also point taken,never heard that comparison before.