It does sound like they will still use other means to motivate members in the D2D work . It does not sound like they made it individual choice .
Feild service just became totally optional. July 1 watchtower 2004.
by XQsThaiPoes 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Actually the next study article is how to deal with inactive people not going out in feild service!
"'Jesus aproched and spoke to them (matt 28:18) He did not stare at them from a distance but whent up to them. Imagine how releaved the apostles must have felt when Jesus took the initivative! May we too take the initiative and warmly welcome spiritually weak ones who make the effort to return to the christian congregation.
16 What else did Jesus do? First, he made an annoucement; "all authority has been given me." Second, he gave an assignment: "Go therefore and make disciples." Third, he made a promise: "Iam with you all the days." But did you note what Jesus did not do? He did not rebuke the disciples for their failures and doubts (matt 28:17). Was this effective? Yes. Beforelong, the apostles were once again "teaching and declaring good news" (acts 5:42) By following Jesus' example of how to view and how to treat weakers ones, we may see simular heart warming results in our local congregation."
Notice this covers failures and DOUBTS. They are told to follow Jesus example which could mean 1) remind them that the wts is an authority 2) tell them to go out 3) remind them about the paradise, But then be nice and leave you be and hope you fix your self! I love this watchtower. Because they are admitting that you may not change.
Obviously Secret
That's such crap. They talk about how you should be loving and everything to inactive ones but if you talk to a DFed person your the devil himself. double talk like a mo fo...
But did you note what Jesus did not do? He did not rebuke the disciples for their failures and doubts
But the instant you question the WTS, look out!!! They will not tolerate that!
Actually that is what this article is trying to fix. They are saying to allow people to doubt and hope it goes away.
But did you note what Jesus did not do? He did not rebuke the disciples for their failures and doubts
what loaded language.......
so if you're "spiritually weak" it's your own failure. not the failure of the nazi elders and the conditionally-caring brothers and sisters. not the failure of the WTS and their hypocrisy. no, its your fault!!
Only whole souled obedience based on love for god and christ makes jehovahs heart rejoyce
Obedience to the here-today, gone-tomorrow doctrines and mandates as dispensed by the F&DS that is.
If you haven't already read it, I recomend the book 30 years a WT slave. It gives the details of why and how the FM started. Also, quite revealing in the way the persecution was orchestrated to get sensational news coverage. Whereas CoC lifts the lid on doctrine etc, 30YAWTS lifts the lid off the mechanics of the mind control. FM anyone, the weather is so good today we could spend a whole day in Kingdom Service NOT!!
Actually that is what this article is trying to fix. They are saying to allow people to doubt and hope it goes away.
Over many decades the Society has made similar glowing statements in the Watchtower and Awake! that lead eaders to believe they are kind, moderate, and non-judgmental. Then they will publish very different articles in the same Watchtower or Kingdom Ministry or a hard-bound book which send a harsh and guilt-ridden message. As Ray Franz once stated, they are very capable of publishing dual-opposing doctrines at the same time. Such ambiguity is a hallmark of Watchtower-ism ... it is what keeps their members in a state of confusion and denial. It is a control mechanism. - Jim W.
Great thread XQ! Thanks!
Did they happen to write that "questioning" is okay now? That's kind of the area I ran in the ditch with them.