I think I'll stalk talesin today..
District Overbeer
by Brummie 33 Replies latest jw friends
I think I'll stalk talesin today..
District Overbeer
Sure there are a few things I would love to have done. Scar removal being at the top of that list. With the amount of surgeries I have had over the past year. Most are below my bikini line but not those on my back they are above my waist ( kidney level) and I hate them--with a passion. They have faded over time but I still notice them. Still having another surgery on the books more scars will come. So I am not sure if it will ever stop.
One thing I do not understand are women in their 20's wanting Botox. Stinky your comment reminded me of such but I am not picking on you. I was watching a program the other night about all these young girls getting the smallest of lines out of their face and they just ended up with 'perma grin' or what looked like a bee sting or swollen in some places.
I think that the American Public puts so much pressure on one to be perfect it is literally scaring our youth. Into believing they have to look like those women in airbrushed magazine ads. Look at these stars and models without makeup and airbrushing--they have the same flaws they don't want you to think they have.
I've seen shows where young women have procedures done that did not need such and came out looking horrible when done. They did not need a thing done IMO.
Body Dismorphic Disorder is playing a huge role in advancing plactic surgery. The media and Hollywood, where stars have surgery and body doubles to have an apperaence that is false create these men and women who have such low self esteem and suffer the conquences of BDD.
For Cassi...
District Overbeer
For Cassi...bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
District Overbeer
Again pleassssssssssssssssss!!! Turn it up a little higher!! Cassi
A Gene Simmons tongue.
I was so self-conscious of a surgery scar on my lower belly that I never wore a two-piece bathing suit all my life. It's really not an easy thing to deal with, is it? It is a disfigurement, and I hope something can be done with those scars you have.
A Gene Simmons tongue.
Have you seen that Mike's Hard Lemonade Commercial on TV where the guy is getting the last drop out of the bottle with his long ass tongue and the three ladies watching him are saying... " I'll have one of those!" LOL
I would have a billboard installed in my forehead and sell the advertising space.
CassiI was so self-conscious of a surgery scar on my lower belly that I never wore a two-piece bathing suit all my life. It's really not an easy thing to deal with, is it? It is a disfigurement, and I hope something can be done with those scars you have.
Hey Lady I know where you are believe me. I know I sound horrible when there are people with much worse but I always took pride in my belly ( still wear the two piece bathing suits) but It's when it's off that I truly hate them. I think now it's the scars on my back that bother me most now. Because of the device implanted in my back 'hip huggers" "Low rise" jeans are the most confortable for me to wear and those scars show. Perhaps I am just vain? Cassi
I feel that the scar represents the HUGE trauma done to your body/spirit. That is what surgery is, we are cutting into our flesh. Much more involved here than mere vanity. :) Be gentle with yourself.
Oooo, the Valistalker. I'm afwaid, vewwy afwaid. Not!