I'm just listening to my Deep Purple album - Made in Japan...drinking a beer after I've just made the evening meal ....ah ! .......Life is good.....how do you relax ..?
How do you relax ?
by blobby 33 Replies latest jw friends
Deep Purple album - Made in Japan... 1972 - Strange Kinda Woman - is brilliantly on that Album - yep that is how I relax with a bourbon and listeningt o great music like that
Deep Purple..........now that bring back some memories! Woman From Tokyo was my favorite..although Smoke on the Water rocked too!
to relax with it though?......for me that would be more for getting ready to party...
to chill? relax? I need something a little less hard rock.. Sade, Babyface, Richard Marx, something mellow
some candlelight.....
someone to snuggle with.....
and that drink......I'll have a crown and coke please...........or a glass of chardonnay
There are really many ways to relax, it also kind of depends on how you're feeling. Lately I've started to have times where I don't feel like any stimuli, and if I'm also tired then nothing beats using the massage recliner. It's just a cheap vibrational one so there's no rollers like the shiatsu style chairs and certainly nothing like a real massage, but that's good in a way since it's just this buzz, straight forward..
I relax by taking a nice bike ride, sometimes w/friends, sometimes alone.
I also enjoy sitting out on my deck and taking in the noisy quiet of the woods.
ahhh man I could use one of those chairs!
Sassy, you can get like a massage cushion to lay over a regular chair pretty cheaply, this is really just a big one draped over a lawn chair that happens to recline anyway.
maybe I just need to visit you Mark!
Sounds very nice too.....
I also enjoy sitting out on my deck and taking in the noisy quiet of the woods.
But still must have a beer !!
You're just interested in me for my massage chair!