I QUIT....smoking that is, my pack to 1 1/2 pack a day habit...I quit June 4th, not a single cigarette since then...though 5 to 7 pounds...are ya proud of me...huh huh huh....I had a few of ya hoping I was leaving the board....HA!
by Yerusalyim 37 Replies latest jw friends
Wow Yeru!!! Good for you!
Well I am glad -I was worried for a moment thinking you were leaving the board and the board would be less rich without you. Great news about the smoking - you wil lfeel healthier and wealthier
Nathan Natas
Congratulations on quittiing Yeru!
Now just substitute 100 Hindu Squats and 20 Hindu pushups* everytime you think longingly about a smoke, and the weight problem will disappear too!
*see Matt Furey's "Combat Conditioning"
good for you!! your lungs will appreciate it
Soledad(smoke free since 2002)
good job.... our country is that much safer.
>Now just substitute 100 Hindu Squats and 20 Hindu pushups* everytime you think longingly about a smoke, and >the weight problem will disappear too!
>*see Matt Furey's "Combat Conditioning"
damn, just looked those up and tried some, bloody painfull but really nice exercises, I recommend those!!!
well done on quitting smoking, I'm sure your lungs are feeling a hell of a lot better.. -
congrats Yeru, good job .... your lungs will thank you !
Way to go Yeru.
Your lungs (and even some of us liberals) breathe a sigh of relief!!
That's great Yeru, I'm happy for you...and your family. It affects them in a big way as well, as you know.