Does unkind talks make you a better person?

by beroea 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    Natred, you're a fuckin' moron!

    Your post is utterly fucking tedious, try buying a bloody dictionary.

    You think you’re so damned smart, don’t you? What’s your knowledge of Swedish, Danish, Finnish, German or Norwegian? The fact that someone from another country tries to express himself in a foreign language shouldn’t be ridiculed at all.

    Try this:

    Du er en helvetes drittsekk, som egentlig skulle ha en 10-øres automat på ryggen for å puste! Siden 10-ører ikke finnes lenger, ville det være en fordel for resten av verden, siden resten av oss ville slippe å ha slike rasshøl som deg rundt om!

    Leben sind zu kurz idioten zu kennen, mein freund. Du bist nür ein dumkopf!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • trevor


    The language you use in your post suggest extreme sexual frustration. I can understand women not wanting you but have you ever though of having a wank? I am told it helps.

  • Simon

    Sorry I didn't pick up the post by natred earlier beroea

  • Prisca

    Kent said :

    I’m afraid this is something we can never avoid

    I respectfully disagree.

    It can be avoided by taking a deep breath, counting to 10, and using self-control, instead of posting offensive words or messages.

  • larc


    I see one major difference between communication here and communication at the Kingdom Hall. At the Kingdom Hall, everyone is nice and sweet and "tactful". They are so loving. The problem is that is all surface. Behind your back there is gossip, nasty hateful gossip. If you confront them, most will use their trained ability to be "tactful", that is, they will be evasive enough to turn their answer into a lie. It is a well trained art in the Witness world.

    Here, however, it is all out in the open. Sometimes, it can be blunt to the point of being offensive. For myself, I would rather see people be direct, then kiss and make up if they go too far, than to see them be so damned evasive you have no idea where they stand or what they mean.

  • waiting

    Hey Kent,

    Well – an idiot is an idiot, whether he’s Norwegian, American, Polish, Red, Green, Blue or Black.

    Well said - in all languages.

    #1 - Du er en helvetes drittsekk, som egentlig skulle ha en 10-øres automat på ryggen for å puste! Siden 10-ører ikke finnes lenger, ville det være en fordel for resten av verden, siden resten av oss ville slippe å ha slike rasshøl som deg rundt om!

    #2 - Leben sind zu kurz idioten zu kennen, mein freund. Du bist nür ein dumkopf!

    #2, caught the idiot, and dumkopf! Hey! I watched "Hogan's Heros" growing up like the rest of usa.

    Hello Boreoa,

    You ask good questions & make valid points. Thank you. In the KH, or even at home or work, in any given week - are all the above threads talked about relentlessly? Whether seriously, biblically, angerily, some with years of pain which had to be hidden to keep their families? No. Some of these subject are never - ever - talked about. When we scratch the surface - then purposely dig - to uncover some truth, some dirt, some healing - most times anger is there.

    I get mad and curse along with a lot of others. I think one reason, like Larc said - we had to be so *prissy* and correct in the KH. "Oh my"......and there was soooooo much nastiness underneath some of the prissy comments - but it wouldn't be nice to comment back honestly, now would it?

    True, some of the cursing, well, a lot of the cursing and insults, could be done away with. But we don't have body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, the sound of a hand slapping a forehead, absolutely nothing at all but our words to express emotions. We don't see if our posts hurt someone, we don't have the luxury of their immediate response. And some of us get, or are, angry, just like in real life - not KH life.

    And some of us take offense even if we don't use curse words - they just say they don't like our polite attitude - which they determine for themselves. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    Sufficiently advanced political correctness is indistinguishable from sarcasm.

    I just love that one.


  • lisaBObeesa

    Someone said:

    "I say this as in comparison to other sites that have a more cozy friendly style."

    Where, pray tell, can I find one of these boards with a more friendly style?

    ---Looking for polite, thoughtful and open minded conversation about recovering from the Borg,

  • waiting

    Hi Lisa,

    Nice to meet you. On many threads here - there is no fighting, there is consideration, humor, friendliness. Almost all of us learn to pick and choose the threads we wish to read & participate on.

    There's really not enough time for the average person to read all the ongoing threads, let alone give thoughtful & thought provoking answers, particularily when we have to use quotes and research our answers.

    Right now, there's a marvelously well developed thread about "Blood, Deceit,......" by Maximus. Well worth the effort in understanding. To my knowledge, there is not even a disagreement going on - just history and learning. I've never seen a thread by Maximus where there is cursing, anger, etc. Just not his style.

    Another thread by Patio is about her daughter and drug overdose. This does pertain to jw's because our kids take drugs too, even some of us are recovering. No hostility.

    We always try to keep a joke thread going - some off-color, but no filth, imho.

    There's also a "Hello? Hello? thread which tells a little about a whole bunch of us - going on 10 pages long.

    Even this thread here - just talking about politeness, etc. Another example of discussion without getting too deep.

    Oh, and there's a thread "Compliment a Poster" - kinda like a group hug - just light, nothing serious, quite friendly.

    Whenever an issue which is emotionally charged is brought out for discussion, I think you'll see all sorts of emotions brought to fore - just human nature, like in real life.

    There are many, many threads which have no arguing or fighting. Just click on - if you don't like it - click out. That's what the majority of us do here. Even if it doesn't seem like it - we all do have a life other than the web, so we pick and choose.

    Welcome to our forum - hope you stay around. Perhaps you and Boreoa can start a Bible discussion thread on a WTBTS doctrine you wish to discuss? Would be interested in seeing it.

    Prisca seems to wish the same as you, light, friendly chat. Perhaps you two can start a friendly thread? And this is not sarcasm, btw.


  • jurs

    Ditto to what Larc said.... i'm not saying its right or that i will talk that way but it doesn't offend me a bit. its refreshing to not be censored !!! i have more respect for the angry, bitter, foul mouthed poster than i do for the cookie cutter, brainwashed JW who sounds like a tape recorder.

  • Prisca

    waiting, I really liked your summary of the DB here. It's spot on. This DB has something for everyone. It has become really busy over the past couple of months, and kudos to Simon for keeping it in control.

    This DB is what we make of it. What we post and contribute shows something about who we are. I have fought to let peace and consideration for others shine through, because I believe that after all the trauma many have gone through in leaving the JWs, this place should give support and encouragement to them. For all of us.

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