more ewatchman blarney

by czarofmischief 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • czarofmischief
    In conclusion, the final part of the days is a concluding period of time, exactly as the expression implies, during which Jehovah disciplines and refines his people and afterwards brings the world into judgment with himself. Contrary to the Watchtower's teaching, the world-ending finale known as the final part of the days has not commenced yet.

    I'm not going through his tiresome essays, once again, but his latest has come to exactly the same conclusion that all the others have: Watch out! This nutball would have you believe that Armageddon is still coming. What a nutjob...


  • Valis
    brings the world into judgment with himself.

    well he does have a lot to answer for...


    District Overbeer

  • minimus

    I wonder how many current JWs REALLY do not believe in The Watchtower's definitions of right and wrong.

  • Valis

    eh mini...even moreso how many JWs really have thier own version of the troof...just like ewatchman nutjob..


    District Overbeer

  • boa

    cripes....I'm exjw and I still believe in the wts view of right and wrong!!! Doesn't everyone?

    boa....ya right, and I also think e-watchman is out there with his own personal sect...I like to go there everyone once in a while just to be reminded of how awful even apostate-jwism is....

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

    The buffoon who blunders for my enemy is my friend too. Bag Head

  • JCanon

    It's so true, so many things are up in the air and unknown at this time. But that's what Judgment Day is for. All those unanswered questions people died with will be answered when they come back. And any false misconceptions they had or delusions will be addressed, so that even if they are thrown back into the lake of fire for arrogance it won't be like their previous death, one with so many unanswered questions. Dying "informed" is better...yes?


  • boa

    JC, ya I just love the second chance rule....more silliness....a person can never really get away till the lake o' fire eh?

    Curt Kobain had a great song talkin 'bout the lake o' fire on the Nirvana unplugged cd....

    boa....sorry 'bout the thread deflection

  • RR

    What I find interesting is that Greg Stafford, on his site links to e-watchman.

  • uriah

    E-watchmysitecositsreallythetroof wrote a whole essay entitled 'Are you saying you are a prophet' in response to my question of the same name. I was writng in my 'outraged dub' guise at the time. I know it is wrong but I couldn't help it - he is such an arrogant twit. I wrote several questions in various guises such as 'outraged' 'outraged dub' 'apostodub' 'easily-led dub' 'totally-gullible-aren't-you-wonderful-mr-e-watchman dub' 'please help me dub' and vaious others too numerous to mention. It used to pull the chain of a few of the repondents on the guest book too. Naughty, I know, but such fun. Now he has a discussion board all the fun has gone out of it. Shame.

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