I remember well the ban on baby strollers while my 3 boys were little guys back 20 years ago. Boy did it make it hard on parents. But it was a city ordinance and had nothing to do with the JW's. We had no business sitting in assemblies all day with little children and babies, it was harsh to expect the little ones to be still all day long. It is totally miserable for the parents.
I remember once my oldest son then 2 years old got sick at a convention, pooped all down my dress, and him. He had the beginning of chicken pox and was running a high fever. My ex-husband would not even let us go home to take care of him. Our youngest son the was just months old. So I had to take my dress off and wash it in the bathroom and wear it wet. Cleaned up my son and thankfully had more clothes for him. Then began my hate for my husband to be so cold as to keep his sick son at a convention. If I'd brought my car keys I would have left with the kids, but the husband had the keys and he insisted on us staying. I hated conventions after I had kids. Assemblies were tolerable mostly. No JW should ever have children, its a cruel way to raise kids. Ok I'm venting. LOL Hind sight is always clearer. I feel for anyone who is going through that now. Refuse to ever go with kids, you'll be doing yourself a favor and your kids.
I found getting sick for assemblies and staying home with the kids somewhat effective till my kids Dad caught on. Missing an assembly or convention was a no no like missing the Memorial was.