I left the borg in about 1979 of my own accord after having my eyes opened (and experiencing) the hypocrisies around me.
In 1982 I sucessfully left my JW husband, who devloped alcoholism, and became a wife-beater when he could no longer control me. The elders in the congregation (I married into) told me I was to subject myself to my husband, and his justice.
Beginning in 1987, I realized my own drinking problem was alcoholism, and I successfully got clean and sober in 1990.
Attending that first meeting, on a summer Sunday evening in 1987 was shear hell for me. It was in the basement of a Baptist church! I just knew I would be struck down by lightening. And then they prayed! I discovered, to my own embarrasment, that I did not know, nor could I recite The Lord's Prayer, of which JW's are tought is the correct way to pray.
I'm wondering if there are any other ex-JW's out there who are dealing with alcoholism.
I'm also curious what the JW current attitude is on alcoholism.
When my dad, who is an elder from way back, and a diabetic, told me that my alcoholism was my own morale debasement, I lovingly explained to him that my body does not process alcohol normally, just as his body does not process sugar normally. It was the first time in my life that I saw him speachless. He was also thoughtful. Who knows, maybe he actually learned something?
Hugs and blessings on your journeys.