Little Sis came back from DC - interesting

by Crooked Lumpy Vessel 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    First she has a baby and a toddler. She said that when she was racing for a seat she finally saw one that looked convenient and the man kept giving her awful looks. She finally said, "are you ok with children?" and he flat out said NO. So she moved to the nosebleed all pissed off.

    The next day she realized they left her daughters book bag. They had to rush to the ER because the baby was really sick. So she went to the lost and found and she saw the bag and retrieved it. The brother said, "you should write your name in them". She said, that the bag was her little girl's, and he replied "you should write your name in them" she said, well yesterday we had to go to the ER in a hurry, and he replied..."you should write your name in them" She said she was so discouraged with the mean attitude that prevailed with so many that call themselves God's servants.

    Also they did announce that they should not go out to eat during lunch. They announced the reason too. They said that this is because not everyone can afford to eat out and if concessions are allowed to run, then those who cannot afford to eat are not allowed to bring food. In other words, there is no food allowed in the stadium except for concession foods, and this would not be fair to those who could not afford to eat at concessions. But I said that's interesting. Why cant those poor people go outside and eat in their cars? She did not know. So it would be interesting to find out if that were true.

  • cruzanheart

    Poor little thing -- I remember going to conventions with two little ones and it was grueling. One year I was nursing one and potty-training the other, and I think I caught MAYBE five words the whole three days. That's when you really get to see what the Witnesses are all about -- form, hypocrisy, and no love anywhere.

    It's sad.


  • Elsewhere

    I would encourage your sister to call the convention center management and ask them if they really would prevent people of lesser means or people with medically necessary diets from bringing their own lunches.

    I'd be willing to bet that the management would be surprised that such a thing would even be suggested.

    You could also ask your sister why the WTS doesn?t simply open their own concession stands like they uses to? that way they don?t have to worry about any limitations. The reason they won?t do this is because they don?t want to pay taxes on any food sales, thereby reducing the amount of money that could be donated to the WTS. They would prefer the JWs be burdened with bringing their own lunches than loose out on donations.

    Hell, give me the name, city and state of the convention center and I'll get her the phone number to call.

  • candidlynuts

    i'd tell the bro who told you to write your daughters name on her bag that that is very discouraged by police because a predator can then approach your child by his or her name. i never put my kids name on anything .

  • blondie

    Very good point, candidly!

  • Lehaa
    i'd tell the bro who told you to write your daughters name on her bag that that is very discouraged by police because a predator can then approach your child by his or her name. i never put my kids name on anything .

    Exactly. For the same reason I never put lapel cards on my kids, they had ID in ther pocket. The guy at the Lost and Found Dep. what a pece of s**t, fancy not even giving the porr girl a break even after she said the baby was sick, nice loving brother he is.

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    If I was with her I would have put him in his place....believe me.

    No longer do I have a 'kick me' sign on my back. I think either this brother hates being a JW or he hates women, or both. I use to think that the only reason men came into 'da fold' was because it allowed them to put a dog collar on their wives. I know its not entirely true but I am sure there is some truth to it. I mean, come on....a woman's head is her selfish husband and the husband's head is invisible? Works for me.....NOT. Dont get me wrong, I love my hubby, he is a good man but admittedly he thinks of himself more often than he thinks of his family. I have to remind him of his family priorities more often than I care to admit.

    Another option would be to ask that brother as kindly as possible, since my hands are so full, if he could please write my daughter's name for me on all the books. If he refused....I would tell him to kiss my worldy mother-in-law's patooty!!!!

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Candidly wrote:

    i'd tell the bro who told you to write your daughters name on her bag that that is very discouraged by police because a predator can then approach your child by his or her name. i never put my kids name on anything .

    Slipping into my best JW-speak, "We don't have that problem in Jehovah's spirit-guided organization."

    LABD, of the BS detector class.

  • RandomTask

    Its interesting. At our local stadiums for football and baseball games it is ok to bring your own food, even bottled water and juices to the games where concessions are being sold. I know that other places have different guidelines, but I was under the impression that it is the teams that negotiate this for their events and not the facilities. In any event, how does this affect going outside of the facility to buy from outside vendors? Surely they don't have any control over who brings what into the stadium.

  • willyloman
    I mean, come on....a woman's head is her selfish husband and the husband's head is invisible?

    That's the way it works in the organization. Let's see, whose interpretation is that, anyway? Pretty sure a sister didn't come up with it.


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