What I have been trying to say is that because of our past business dealings, I could do a lot of harm to him if I shared certain information with the people he is responsible to in business. In fact, there is a great possibility that I could cause him to lose his livelihood, and maybe face local, State and Federal fines, if not possible prison time. My dilemma is that since his mind is being controlled by the WTS, is he responsible for his business decisions which have led to our current disputes?
Okay, some JWs tend to justify in their minds taking business shortcuts with people who are not their "brothers." Some even take business shortcuts with others in their own faith. BUT... they and they alone are responsible for those choices. NOT the cult. Yes, their minds are messed up, yes they do despicable things like shun their own families and let their kids die from refusing blood, and a bunch of other rotten things. But they themselves hang a LOT on their so-called honesty.
Here's an example: My husband was raised JW. He has ethics and morals. He chooses to have them. The JWs did not necessarily provide those, but he didn't have to swim upstream to develop them either. A few years ago, we both did some contract work. He was paid on a 1099 for about $6000 worth of work. I was paid in cash, under the table for about $4000 of work. He declared it ALL on our tax statement, even though we had a fricken huge tax bill. We could have certainly gotten away with not declaring the $4000 and saved a hell of a lot of money in taxes. He CHOSE to do this. Your ex-"friend" CHOSE to cheat you. His sleazy business dealings have very little to do with his insane religion, and everything to do with him thinking he can get something for nothing, and you will do nothing to make him accountable.
My opinion? Give your info to the appropriate people. It is not helping him to excuse his dishonest and illegal behaviour. You don't have a friendship to save, that is already lost; you do have your associates to protect. And his actions have damaged you, not in a personal whacked out JW way, but in a legitimate business way. Do what you have to do. He is solely responsible for his actions.