Favorite Kung Fu Movie?
by Valis 19 Replies latest social entertainment
That Return of the Dragon movie where Bruce Lee kick's Chuck Norris's ass. The fight at the end is some amazing stuff.
Sirius Dogma
Does "Kung Pao:Enter the Fist" count?
Jackie Chan's Drunken Master and Jet Li's Once Upon a Time in China -
It's got to be :
"Kung Fu Hamster"
Followed closely by:
"Kung Fu Kittens"
By far the best .... the only Karate movie to get a 5 star rating
For those of you who may remember the spoof, " A fist full of yen" in the classic "Kentucky Fried Movie"
OMG! LOL! I remember that movie when I was a kid! My brother and I loved watching it. asn't there a guy named "Toad" who could harden his skin? If I remember, each dude has him own special power. lol.
Enter the Dragon, HANDS DOWN!!!
Check out BLOODSPORT, what a great fighting movie, and Van Damme's first if I am correct. AND about a Canadian, not that I'm partial. ;) heheh
Hey xena, my ex has one of those kung fu hamsters, adn I love the kittens.
Only martial arts movies I like are the ones with Jackie Chan.
I do like the Bruce Lee story though. Can't remember what it's called.
Any movie in which you will hear the distinctive WATAHHHHH! of Bruce Lee