So true, Atilla! The extra paragraphs always pissed me off, too. The conductor seemed to be on a power trip when it came to his control with the "overtime" of the Watchtower study. I doubt anyone really wanted to stay anymore than they had too..."c'mon, c'mon....let's wrap it up already..." is what I always thought.
Your worst Watchtower Study ever?
by Celtic 31 Replies latest jw friends
The beginning of each WT study was the worst ever, since you knew you were in for about 899 hours of utter, skull-numbing boredom.....
I especially hated when Brother L---s "handled" the WT study. He would audibly swallow and smack his lips into the microphone (which was always turned up to 9 trillion decibels) and mutter a guttural "uuuhhhh" before, during, and after every sentence. The accompanying "reader" would never be able to read very well, and you'd just sit there in agony, waiting for him to get his pronunciations right and make it through an entire paragraph without having to backtrack and repeat parts of sentences.
Side note: during one Book Study, when the group was asked by the Book Study Conductor to name examples of "worldly" false gods, he raised his hand and confidently declared that the "Ay-rabs worship the pagan false god Allah"