Even disfellowshipped ones are supposed to get "shepherding calls" UNLESS of course you are an "APOSTATE".
Were You Treated With Respect When Counseled By The Elders?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
Depends on who it was. Some were very sincere, others were assholes.
Well been DF'ed 8 weeks still no call.
When they DF'ed me I was about to be tested for Bipolar and they said they would check up and see how I went. Still waiting for the call.
Lehaa, they'll call you within a year when they are reminded to call on df'd ones in the OKM..
Lady Lee
Even disfellowshipped ones are supposed to get "shepherding calls" UNLESS of course you are an "APOSTATE".
well for the first 10 years I was still a believer and after that there is no way they would have known what I believed
Just goes to show---they didn't like you at all. Too bad. I like ya!!!!
Depends on who it was. Some were very sincere, others were assholes.
Or some were sincere assholes. LOL.
Problems only ensued when they had already come to a conclusion about me or a situation without talking to me and hearing me first. By some well-chosen respectful questions, I usually ended up with 2 reactions:
Elder 1 Angry that he was wrong and had lost out on an opportunity to "put me in my place"; angry with his source who had set him up for this humiliation
Elder 2 Embarrassed that I had been put in this position, apologizing proofusely; angry with Elder 1 because he had not told Elder 2 the whole story
Yeah, for the most part, I was. I didn't *know* we weren't supposed to ask questions, so I probably was one "to watch" long before I realized it!
Within the years before I left, I had asked an Elder about the reason that we were supposed to lie for the Org when lying was detestable before Jehovah. Another one I asked was why didn't the WTS baptize in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit as Jesus said to do......neither answer was believable, but I just nodded and said thanks and went on with my day.
I was only counseled once in 30 years, when my three teen-age sons were badly in need of a "trim" at the hairline (not really BAD as far as *I* was concerned---about 1/2 inch below their collars) so they got haircuts! They always fussed and hollered and gave me a terrible time every time I brought up the subject of haircuts---everyone was wearing it long back then in the late 70's.
But I was thoughtfully spoken to and didn't have the problems that a lot of you experienced!
Most of the elders I grew up with are total sweethearts.
The one though, that always ended up counseling me, was not. He's said things to me like, "You know you don't *do* that, Meia. You just don't *do* that!" Really? Then why did I do it? And, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack??" Oh, it's all about you, is it?