My mom told me yesterday that my friend (while growing up) who is an elder again, (after years of mental problems), came to her house and inquired as to how my family and I are doing. He said we have become a subject of conversation at a recent get together..... Of course, my mother started crying, told him to ask me himself and told him she did not wish to talk about this subject since it severely depresses her. He backed off but shortly asked again. He recounted all the "good times" we ll had together as JWs and couldn't understand why we all would leave. Then he told her that in his Hall, a number of elders and mature ones have suddenly disappeared and without notice----stopped going. She said he was very bewildered by it all. On Sunday, I got a call from him telling me that he wanted to know how I was doing and that maybe we could get together and share a beer. He left his cell number on the message and I promptly erased it......They're starting....
Elder Comes To My Mother's House To Inquire of Minimus & Family
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
Have you thought how you are going to have this go down? Are you goind to just let them DF you by proxy, actually meet with them when they get more insistant (as they will), or just write a letter?
-genuinely curious.
Those damn meddling morons, i am sorry Mini . Why not just call him and put an to it , tell him you are not interested but if you ever decide to rejoin a cult you will call him.
Minimus, hi, I'm especially interested in this part:
Then he told her that in his Hall, a number of elders and mature ones have suddenly disappeared and without notice----stopped going. She said he was very bewildered by it all.
Can you find out any more about this? Seems it would be of interest to many.
I hope they don't hound you Mini. Hopefully they will see how the situation distresses your mother and they will have the sensitivity to leave it alone.
I'm sure someday, they'll try to talk to me. I'll bow them off just as I have done. I can't control them. They can't control me.
franklin J
You leave and the elders dissappear? Ladies weep?
Sounds like an Agatha Chrisie Whodonit, to me.
It might have gone differently than you think. He may sincerely want to know why everyone is leaving.
A few years ago an old JW friend showed up on our doorstep and said "I want to know what you know. You wouldn't have left without knowing something". We were cautious, but ended up telling her quite a lot, and she left too.
So, you just never know.
What scared me is the concept the elder is trying to "find" people. As if they are being abucted from the halls and thrown into non-descript white vans. I never could understand how warming a seat actually means being part of something. A "inside" or "outside' "the truth"
THe probelm is "new light". Once you learn "the truth" there is no need to repeat the sophmoric recitations. Considering they keep changing things you become stuck on a tread mill. Why brother "staying" when for the last 10 years the wts has changed ever sustainable doctrine that promotes seat warming.
Then he told her that in his Hall, a number of elders and mature ones have suddenly disappeared and without notice----stopped going. She said he was very bewildered by it all.
Hmmm ...maybe they're part of the "4400".
Did they happen to disappear around october by any chance?