I am not political engaged (never was) but sometimes I am listening to the news.
What I remembered re this wall, is that they (the Court) condemned the taking of land without paying for this land.
Not for building the wall (but possible my memory is incorrect here).
Personally I think that the wall, if handled well (like a border which can be crossed) is a good thing. (using those portals used on airports detecting metals or weapons).
I know that if I was a Jew, I certainly would insist on keeping all the Arabs out. I would know that my own people is capable of doing horribble things also, but most of the time danger for me would come from :"the other side".
The sad thing is that neither the Jews nor the Palestinians are on the right side.
My history knowledge is'nt great but I know that Israel (the land was owned, inhabitat by local Arab tribes ?) was given to the surviving Jews all over the world. It is true they got a desert and they have cultivated the land. But the autochtones (who did'nt get a choice) never truly accepted the take-over from the Jews. They wanted there own land with there own laws.
The Jews don't have a choice either: they can't give this land back - they want to survive too.
And on top of that all: There are a lot of Muslim-terrorist poisoning the minds of young Arab childs, preaching hate and violence.
Israel is'nt getting the price for the best possible solutions or behaviour.
They are placing the Palestinians in very uncomfortable positions: bad or no schools, I've heart even no electricity in order to force the Palestinians out of there houses (or just demolish these houses in revenge actions).
Both sides are wrong - but as said before, if I was a Jew, I would want this wall too.