I going to picket my parents convention this weekend!

by Atilla 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    Atilla , after what SOJ said ,go for . It may do nothing but it may make you feel better and who knows you may convert a cult mind. Let's talk about a bunch of moronic idiot's .

  • little witch
    little witch


    Censor SOJ? Perish the thought. He / She is a galvanizing force of all we are against.

    SOJ has simply not realized yet that beliefs and understandings are relative.

    I admire your patience.

    (even though I at the same time want to thwack him or her for the name calling)

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Undaunted Danny has years of picket duty experience.I have found my best results with the 'laid back' approach. Find a sign post to lean against and wear a Walkman and have fun.[ The Walkman is invaluable if you are taunted as you can 'dum-down' and not listen] The police and civilians alike will admire your cool touch,and you will get more respect and readership of your sign. Remember you want people to read your sign/message.You don't want to scare them off.I usually avoid traffic intersections,as you don't want to distract drivers and cause an accident. You also want slow motor traffic if any at all,people can't read a sign cruising at highway speed. Have you picketed before?If you do it alone I strongly suggest you have some kind of 'event recorder' ( tape recorder) for your protection. ALWAYS HAVE TWO PEOPLE.,Even if the other 'picket buddy' is to shy to hold a sign.yea,know the "two witness principle" better in court if they instigate a confrontation.: Real Video clip on the street with a JW When your hot your hot! Note string around neck to hold sign,arms get tired in an hour or so.

    The signs must be readable. Below RIPOFF CULT is most effective[my best sign] and readable bold lettering

    Posters and Favorite Signs

    bendover3.jpg (77482 bytes)click on here for larger version
    (big printer size)
    poster1sm.jpg (56848 bytes)

    Bend over Jehovah!
    (no books from crooks)

    Justice Favors the Not Forgotten

    (click to enlarge for usable poster size)

    (click to enlarge for usable sign size)

    click the above for larger size, or download graphics file here for printing out as a bumper sticker

    Free Bumperstickers

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    http://news.google.com/news?q=jehovah's+witnesses&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=nn Email your own 'protest' letters to the editors. Hello! You can picket right from your own PC:New! Get the latest news on jehovah's witnesses with Google News Alerts. SIGN UP TODAY it's free and simple.

    Look what I did,apostate interception :: [ Jehovah's Witnesses convention
    Joplin Independent, MO - Jun 21, 2004
    Regarding; Jehovah's Witnesses a destructive abusive cult. The Watchtower is big money, being one of the top 40 New York City Corporations ........... ]

    Read his story in the Maine Times [ you want to get in the paper too ]

    Danny Haszard working the streets with his message:
    "The Watchtower is a destructive cult!"

    The power of the pen and the PC:Danny's Whistle-blower letter on the Watchtower for fraudulently evading state sales tax

    ยป Theologically,Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult of Christianity.The oppressive organization does not represent historical, Biblical Christianity in any way. Sociologically, it is a destructive cult whose false teachings frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths.

  • DFWnonJW

    I happen to be partial to this pic but that's only 'cause I made it. :) But, it might be too offensive to use for picketing.
    I used to see the picketers and think "who do they think they are". Now I know.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    If that's what you need to do to get some closure and move on than go for it. But make sure you're clear on your intentions. Do you think these actions will help in drawing your family closer to you or pushing them away? I understand your anger, it's easy to be angry. Sometimes it takes alot just to swallow our pride and be the bigger person. Will it really do more good than harm?

    Hugs to you ((((atilla)))) I sure hope your family comes around one of these days. I know with my parents that they will NEVER change so it's pointless for me to try. I've simply learned to accept that and deal with it.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Just wanted to add that I think this is genius:

    There's a reason why you're told not to read this sign. Find it out at www.randytv.com

    By the way, Barbara Anderson says "Hi".

  • cyber-sista


    This is a topic I did a while back and I thought some of the suggestions some others came up with were good.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    The JW holding the sign: The Watchtower, religious racket exposed!!! That is priceless!!!! Where did you find that???

    No Apologies

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    To: "No apologies".http://www.freeminds.org/kids/kids.htm

    Kids of Jehovah's Witnesses

    What kind of childhood do they have?

    [ Danny's footnote to above:"their abusive deprived JW childhood sucked then they grew old and died..] alt

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