This question has always troubled me.
Suppose you write a book. It becomes a best seller. Then some little fart comes along and replaces your name with anonymous.
Now this book can be published and edited by just about anybody who chooses to be "anonymous".
End result - your original work is lost and some Revised Edition has replaced it, written by "anonymous"
This is exactly what has happened with Jehovah, the author of the Bible. Jehovah God, who used 40 different Bible writers to complete his work, had his name removed 7,000 times from the Bible.
Of course, God did actually write the Bible - but he didn't do anything about those scribes and modern day printeries who removed his name and replaced it with Lord.
What am I trying to say here?
If Jehovah God allowed his name to be removed, not just once, but 7,000 times, then what's stopping any Bible publishing house from changing the sacred scrolls to what they want them to say?
True, Revelation talks about what will happen to those who make "an addition or deletion to the scroll" - but no one has suffered the fiery torment that awaits them.
So how can the Bible be taken so literally, and be so accurate, if the author did nothing about his name being removed?
Well, the Witnesses say, we put his name back! And so they did! Eighty-three times more necessary than they had to, replacing Jesus with Jehovah and changing the meaning of context by adding words and making paragraphs to support their "faithful and discreet slave doctrine."
You can't win.