UN Ban On Religion

by laurelin 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazy151drinker


  • Pole


    You could be a cheap fiction writer if you give up your messianic mission one day :). Something like the Tom Clancy of apocalyptic speculations. Except that you're much less convincing.

    Anyway, one point you made is interesting:

    So if the religion, say the Vatican and the witness organization which are organized and have corporations, can be legally outlawed from operating and their funds frozen and that would essentially be the end of it, especially if their leaders and lawyers are locked up. Who will put out the "Awake!" magazine? Nobody!

    However, typically only religious minorities can be outlawed easily by the state. This is often inspired by religious majorities. JW situation in Moscow is a point in case (with the Orthodox Church inspiring the ban behind the scenes). Plus, even if religious majorities get outlawed (the Catholic Church in Poland under communism is one such example), the result is that people only become much more religiously determined and extreme than in times of relative freedom.

    And even when JWs were jailed for their denomination here in Poland the Awake magazine was still put out here (secretely though).

    As for the rest of the stuff you wrote. Is there anything good I can say? Thank you for being specific. Now I can take your word for it, rabbi! :).


  • JCanon

    Hi Pole, I'm probably my own worst enemy for using too many words...you mised my important point:

    However, typically only religious minorities can be outlawed easily by the state. This is often inspired by religious majorities. JW situation in Moscow is a point in case (with the Orthodox Church inspiring the ban behind the scenes). Plus, even if religious majorities get outlawed (the Catholic Church in Poland under communism is one such example), the result is that people only become much more religiously determined and extreme than in times of relative freedom.

    Remember the 1940's? You're Japanese and an American citizen, born in the US. Did you have rights? Sure! But once war broke out and Japan attacked the US all those Japanese people were sent off to concentration camps! That's right, the two places in the world that had concentration camps during WWII was the Germans and the US!

    If you were a doctor in Germany, rich and a Jew, what good did it do you? Nothing. Because your blond, Christian German was on his own crusade to find more leibestraum ("living space") for all the Aryan babies he was breeding.

    Point being who knows what type of power will be in charge in the world? It's only with this present set of circumstances that all these "rights" exist. Once the world is plunged into chaos then those rights will vanish.

    Now think of how "unstable" the world is. You're in the WTC on the 30th floor having a meeting and a jet plane crashes through the window. How secure are you?

    You're on a bullet train in Japan and some nut or terrorist organization lets out some lethal gas that kills everybody?

    They say they even have backpack atomic devices, "dirty bombs" that can cripple entire regions. Man has to the power to destroy himself and all life on the planet. There's no wonder about "if" it's just a matter of "when".

    Now the wonderful "media" has been training us with these philosophical ideas all along and wondering about how feeble are rights are if an "ultimatum" can be manipulated. We're all in the same row boat floating in the ocean. There is probably enough room and food for all. But someone doesn't like that. So they create a situation where only so many can live and then someone has to decide who lives and dies. When that type of decision comes up then the "rights" issue changes. Some movies of note would be one called (I believe) "Virus", with Dustin Hoffman, Renee Russo, Morgan Freeman (correct me if I'm wrong). In that movie a lethal virus that was developed or preserved had an outbreak and with the threat of killing off the entire population of the country it was decided to quarantine and kill the people infected in this small town. Where did their rights go?

    Hey, there's a leak in the lower levels of the ship, if you don't lock that section off, then it will flood the entire ship. But wait, some "people" are still down there. What can we do?

    It's ironic, because we have the idea that we're noble and heroic; and we are. We'd try to save someone if we could. Maybe someone drowning. But what if 50 people are drowning and you can only save one or two? Who would you choose?

    Freemasonry evil tradition moves toward the goal of eliminating the "lower classes" so that the one master race only survives with the middle sub-class used as slaves for a while before they are eliminated. But probably things are not going as fast as they would like and so pushing it to the brink is the goal. You know, create a disaster that forces the people in the Western world who have little better to do than go shopping at Sachs and Wall-Mart every day to deal with eliminating the poor, non-white people of the world. America is a peace-loving nation? Force them into a war! How? America is not interested in third-world country conflicts and human rights violations. That's their problem. How can we get them involved and force them into a war? Oh I know, fly some airliner jets into the WTC and claim they are under attack by terrorists. Oh what a great idea! Make sure we don't find Bin Laden too soon so he can be a war symbol to fight against, a "visible" enemy.

    There is even a propaganda claim that that is what was going down with the attack on Pearl Harbor. They needed that attack to get the Americans up and angry and ready to drop those A-bombs on Japan. Question is, did our "intelligence" know about this plan beforehand? And if they did, did the strategists figure out it was better to let them bomb Pearl Harbor so that the psychological and emotional mental state of otherwise laid-back Christian Americans could have a "cause" to fight for?

    Kill a few kids and a few citizens without provacation and Americans will fight the "good cause". Question is, who really paid for those attacks? What "intelligence" is ultimately behind these successful events that change the playing field?

    And what if somebody decides to change the course of things? Like JFK for instance? Or Martin Luther King? People clearly influential of the populace and with a "voice"? They get eliminated. By whom? Who cares, it's not that hard to hire an assasin is it?

    Think about it. Probably the only reason Bush is getting a little flak for his war on "terrorism" is because that one plane headed for the White House didn't make it. Now THAT would have been a major emotional focus for the nation if that plane crashed into the White House. It would have doubled the significance of these attacks. As it is, it was quite effective with the WTC towers going down but the White House was likely the ultimate coup had it been successful.

    But is it all a game? Someone with enough money can "buy" terrorists, right? Plus some in the Middle East claim the Jews did it! Which is funny actually! But they "think" that's what happened, since they are generally accused of things like this. So it's not like it hadn't occurred to people that perhaps this is more involved than simply smarter terrorists.

    When you think about it, there are probably people out there who would want to do "drastic" things in the world. The only reason they have little influence is because they are not empowered. These modern terrorists are only threatening now because they are "empowered"; somehow they have funds and technology and are more clever than ever "all of a sudden", just when America needed a new enemy to fight and keep the war machines going.

    But...this works out for the people in charge for a while. Babylon the Great with all her secret and wonderful means of doing whatever, will become unpopular at some point. Right now all these secretive ways and means has served the UN. But the UN will get sick of this influence at some point and will shut her operation and influence down. They will hate her and burn her with fire and expose her.

    And it will happen quickly. Some "sting" operation is already in place. Someone is working against them or will betray them and then their lights will be put out. This will be followed by just a year and 3 months, perhaps less of some tense international chaos near the end of which will be declared, "peace and security" and I imagine outlaw of all religion in the meantime will be part of this, and why not? Especially the Catholic Church and JWs if their hands have been the most heavy co-participants? THEN God's kingdom will take over? How?

    Easy. God will simply determine which elements need to disappear for the kingdom to take over and one night when they all go to bed, they simpl won't wake up. It's SOOOOO PROFOUND and INCREDIBLE! No fighting! No Messiah battling fighter jets in the sky with his great powers. No secret Christians coming out of the woodwork with special voice-activated weapons like in Dune to vanquish the enemy and claim the world. Just simple....death. There's no fighting a God like this one. He's not even going to argue. It's going to be: OKAY, three, two one...times up! Time for the millennium, everybody, thanks! Check with Joshua about what the plans are."

    Then I will say, "Okay, I know there's a lot of dead bodies in those fabulous homes waiting to be buried, but.....I say, let's bury tomorrow. Today, LET'S GO SHOPPING! Everything is FREE!"

    I'm so looking forward to starting the millennium off with a big shopping day! Won't that be neat?

    What's also nice is that if all the enemies just drop dead, the survivors will inherit a world relatively intact. Not a lot of burned out buildings like a war zone that has to be rebuilt by the diminished population. All the world's resources will serve the diminished population for seven years before new manufacturing begins.

    How neat! What a great reward just for believing the Bible!


  • Pole


    You're definitely using too many wordsa and it doesn't make you look more convincing. BTW your megalomania is disgusting. Read the sermon on the mount to see how a decent messiah shoud do his job of preaching... And you missed a lot of my points too.

    One thing you are saying is that: because the world is very unstable, God can use the UN to destroy it, and then kill off billions of people..



  • JCanon

    Hi Pole,

    You're definitely using too many wordsa and it doesn't make you look more convincing.

    Ha. You know, that's kind of an "inside joke" in the Bible. When the Messiah arrives he is said to "strike the nations with the long sword of his mouth." Now why a "long" sword? The reference is that my research, my truth, the understanding of scripture given to me is related in wordy messages that wears most people out. I tend to drag things out trying to cram everything into a post, which kind of goes against the 2-second TV mentality of the times. Plus it sort of backfires sometimes since some of the key points don't really stand out so anybody just skimming over my posts won't get the message, you being a perfect example of that.

    Have you noticed it usually takes a lot more words to explain things to children?

    BTW your megalomania is disgusting.

    Well, that's fair, but probably I'm more offensive to other megalomaniacs than not. What do you think?

    Read the sermon on the mount to see how a decent messiah shoud do his job of preaching... And you missed a lot of my points too.

    And you missed God's point. The first time, the Messiah was nice and charming and did good deeds and performed wonderful miracles and healed the sick. And what did they do to this nice man? They framed him and had him killed. God basically said, "Okay, you wanna play that way? The second time will be different!" So he sent an entirely different Messiah who basically is here to clean up things, separate the sheep from the goats, identity the riff raff and set it out for destruction. "I come not to put peace on the earth, but with a sword."

    Know what my purpose is here? Basically, the technical letter of the law. The simple principle that before you judge someone or have them killed, you at least should notify them and give them a chance to make amends. So that's basically it. When many find themselves outside of God's graces, having been too busy pursuing non-Biblical interests, at one point someone will say: "Well, IF ONLY YOU HAD TOLD ME directly who you were, I would have believed." Of course, God knows better, and so he's proving it. He sent someone with the truth who none but believers could possibly believe.

    I'm not looking for "converts"; I'm making sure on close examination that no one without the right garment gets into the kingdom. I'm the opposite of the first Messiah. The first Messiah came as the "sacrifice" I come as the king. But a king that only the "right sort" can possibly accept...

    God is basically disgusted with the Satanic-influenced intellectuality of this modern world. So he sent me, in this form with no intention of calling any but the deserving into his company... Note Acts 13:41...

    "Behold hou scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in your days, a work that you will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to you in detail."

    But you see, God is washing his hands of the responsibility here. He can say, "I sent him. He admitted who he was and explained why he's the Biblical Messiah. But they didn't believe. What more do you want from me. I did my part?"

    Then you'll say: "Yes, but I was expecting something different..."

    And God will say: "Sorry, but I provided you with the information about who I was sending and WHEN, you should have consulted the prophets on this one, instead of exercising your usual defective presumptuousness. Anyway, you've lived 80 years of a life you decided to do what you wanted to without regard to the Livegiver, haven't you? Well didn't you have fun? Great. Times up."

    One thing you are saying is that: because the world is very unstable, God can use the UN to destroy it, and then kill off billions of people..
    No. Actually, that is not what I'm saying.

    I'm found by those looking for me. Those who stumble upon me who do not belong to me, cannot come to me. On that very hard day, there will be a lot of excuses offered, but one you will never be able to use is, "You never told me who you really were." That's why I'm here. To take that excuse from you. JC

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