In the resurrection, what form will you take when Jesus appeared (in the second Coming) ?
1. Physical Body
2. Spirit Body
by Tyre 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
In the resurrection, what form will you take when Jesus appeared (in the second Coming) ?
1. Physical Body
2. Spirit Body
Sorry I don't understand the question.
In the resurrection, what form will you take when Jesus appeared (in the second Coming) ?1. Physical Body
2. Spirit Body
It will be both, he will come back JUST AS HE LEFT according to scripture. He'll have a body that can be touched, eat, etc, but that can appear and disappear at will, etc.
Well, you just wouldn't believe the amount of sleep of lost over the years worrying about this very same question.
I think I'll just take the easy way out, and mutate.
cheeses - showing typically bad form.
He said He would "come down from heaven as He had the first time". We all are aware that He came via the womb of Mary, so it seems His coming will be in the form of a human amongst humans. All "eyes shall see him" but not all will RECOGNIZE Him. Just like before.
I think I will take the form of a cockroach.
This says "what form will you take"
not "what form will Jesus take"
I don't care what "form" I take thanks
I'll take what ever he gives me, I'mnot picky, just glad to be there!
I know most of you 'postates will be worm food ... lol
I'll take the form of a melon-like substance.
I think he will come back as a nother soul stealing necromancer with his undead army to enslave the children of Gia, or a indominable robot. Same way he came the first time.