What do you think?
Is the WT a parasitic organistion?
by badboy 14 Replies latest jw friends
Asside from gathering wealth and realestate, their main goal is to spread their teachings through the population as much as possible.
nobody told me
You give your time,energy. and $$$$$. What do they give you back? Books and magazines. Try retiring on that.
Country Girl
At least leeches can be beneficial in a medical sense.
Country Girl
Parasite, organism that lives in or on a second organism, called a host, usually causing it some harm...In parasitism, also known as antagonistic symbiosis, one organism receives no benefits and is often injured while supplying nutrients or shelter for the other organism.
MS Encarta EncyclopediaHmmm...
Great name,that is exactually what it is .
You hit the nail on the head!
Parasitic money-making cult.
Nathan Natas
But wait!
The Watchtower gives people the hope of everlasting life in paradise any day now.
So the answer is YES.
Yes, Nathan. Dubs have to earn their ticket to heaven. In the process, the CrapTower and Trick Sopciety, Inc. is making $ 0.9 Billion per year by using them as
slavevolunteer labor..