News About H2O - I'm Ducking <LOL>

by Jang 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    hey Rick,

    You know (no pun intended), when you relax and chat - you're pretty husband's into old cars - it was his passion before we got married - and still is.

    Simon has a good place - and he always writes highly of H20, like some others here do. There can be no doubt as to what you've already accomplished, along with the help of some others, I presume.

    I, along with others, feel there's a definite need for several kinds of places for jw's to go - just to talk with/without rancor.

    We want a few mad people - look where the sane ones have landed us. George Bernard Shaw

    What a mess we are in now - peace has broken out. Napoleon Bonaparte

    I'll go shortly and check your Corvette out. Smoooooth, eh?


  • Jang

    I think you will find that H2O is now as fast as this board ...

    Congrats to Rick for taking the plunge!

    And Rick, Always remember that if it wasn't for the rambuctious ones the rest wouldn't look so good

    Variety is the SPICE of life ..........

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  • larc

    Hats off,

    Hats off to all of you who have spent considerable time developing discussion forums and websites. You all should be proud (not humble) of your pioneering efforts. We are lucky (bad word) to have you amongst us. Your aggressive (not meek) approach to a formidable challenge is appreciated.

  • Tina

    Hi Jan,
    Thanks! I took a peek and it does look good. Nicely done Rick :> Cheers,Tina

  • Farkel


    Good work, and I know for you it is a labor of your love. It always has been that way, even if I disagree about some of the stuff you do. May your board build up and contribute to your stated purpose for it.

    You've got a good and fair man with your Forum Director, too. He and I know and care about each other. Well, at least I care about HIM!

    Good luck! Er, "fortune."


  • waiting


    All this "peace and good will" is enough to give a person (who's been reading the H20 posts) the heebee geebeeies.

    Nice to actually see in print, though.

    So that I fit in properly - Have a Nice Day


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