I struggled with this when I left, but I realized that I never saw anything that compelled me to believe in God. It would be nice to believe in an afterlife, etc., but I want there to be some real proof of God before I believe in him. I am open to evidence presenting itself. :)
Do you believe in God?
by XBEHERE 30 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I believe in God. I believed in him before becoming a JW and my experience with the JW's didn't diminish that belief. PB
: Do we still need to worship god?
If you were a real God who created everything., including the entire UNIVERSE and everything else in it, would you be so selfish and so insecure that you would demand that your entire creation WORSHIP you?
As God, are you THAT insecure in your place as God?
Do cats worship you? Do dogs? Do Lions? How about birds? Apes? You have no problems with them as God. Why do you have problems with we puny humans, then? What kind of a crappy God are you, then?
Can you imagine being alone for eternity as God had to be before he made something? I don't think the human mind is capable of understanding what a God is. The bible sure doesn't explain it so I can understand. What is time anyway? Is God's view of time the same as ours?
I've got to quit thinking beyound our own little existance, after all that is all we can use and experience. Let's see, I've got to paint that wall and empty that trash can, and I believe the oil needs changing in my car. Ops, the house payment is due. What are we having for dinner? My kids are comming over today. These are things that make life, why worry about a God who does nothing that we can observe?
Ken P.
Yes, I do struggle with belief in God. I do not know what to believe anymore. I have the hardest time understanding why there is so much suffering in the world. The JWs answer of (universal soverignty) just doesn't cut it with me. That makes no sense. I could never let my child suffer just for the sake of others watching and wondering what I will do.
Yes, I still believe in God. I can't see how every creation in the universe all came about by accident.......makes no sense to me. On the other hand, when I see on TV that some 7 year old child has just been abducted, raped and murdered by some psychpath, I can't help but ask "where was God when this was happening? Why didn't He prevent it?" Because His "soverignty" is at stake??? Gimme a break.
As humans, we don't have all the answers; in fact, we have very few of them.
Ken said "why worry about a God who does nothing that we can observe?" Come on now Ken, that's just the point. You spend your entire life observing everything. That everything came from somewhere and, at least for me, there's intelligence behind it. Just think of the details in everything. If everything was just one large chunk of rock then the "no intelligence" viewpoint might make some sense. However the universe is FULL of details.
If you consider those details and leave religion along with everyone else's learned opinions completely out of the equasion, there's only one logical conclusion, (guess I should say IMHO). Perhaps some form of evolution was part of the plan; maybe the Bible is pure myth; could be He/She has never communicated directly with anyone. Despite the volumes of scientific theory and years of research there is no explination for the existance of everything sans intelligent design. I know I know, despite the religious theory and research there's no explination for the origin of that intelligence. There are only two possibilities - - which one makes sense? If you easily reach the no intelligence conclusion then it seems that science would have an easy time with the real explination.
It seems when you say "everything", what you really mean to say is "everything *except* god". Special pleading?
rem -
I believe in God, always have, but I don't fool myself in to thinking it is a SCIENTIFIC belief. I also sincerely would never become a Jehovah's Witness. The arguments laid out in that article by the way, were developed by Christian (read non-JW) apologists, of the Intelligent Design club.
what else do I believe in?
Believe in yourself, God created you. Use your mind, and investigate. There is far more to be discovered exploring our world, than reading about it. In a closed room. With no windows.
Woman know your place
I'm agnostic.... I dont think there is enough evidence to conclusively prove the existence of God, nor is there enough to fully validate the theory of evolution.....
Therefore, in the abscence of concrete evidence about who God is, we need to 'go on what we know'... I think humans need to depend upon themselves to eradicate our biggest problems like war, poverty and crime.
Yes, without question, I believe in God.
That doesn't mean though, that there is not some degree of evolution that happens over time. But someone had to create something. This did not all happen by accident.