Alternative Fuel Source...TOO COOL...Or is that HOT!

by Yerusalyim 37 Replies latest social current

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Danny is a green guy all the way,anything to make the world a better place,will be done in increments.

    Mile by mile it's a trial,,,>,,yard by yard it's hard,,,>,,,but hey, inch by inch it's a cinch.....

    The drawback of the wonderful greaseburner is it is still gonna smoke and pollute.

    We need to hedge our bets on solar-electric.

    It's a start though.This is the kind of R+D i woulda done with my real skills if i hadn't sold Watchtower$ for 30 years instead.

    Yes indeed;"A mind is a terrible thing to waste"

  • Yerusalyim

    Still pollutes, but not nearly as bad as fossil fuel. Me, I'm a hydrogen fuel cell guy myself...but until we have that technology...this is a good second.

  • IronGland

    There's already plant fueled transport. Horses. I wish horse transport would come back again. It would be nice to not hear traffic all the time. I'm not a luddite, but I dont care for cars. Wouldn't it be great to gallop to work on a horse thru a trail in the forest instead of riding down the freeway? I also believe we use too much artificial light and therefore are not able to view the night sky as it looked before electric light. When you get away from the city for the 1st time in a while and see the sky w/o light pollution, its amazing. Some people probably live their entire life w/o really seeing the sky.

    Finally, I will discuss bullets. Why use gunpowder? Why not some sort of plastic explosive? Here's why. This is mainly in regards to soldiers. They have a dilemna in combat. If they use a small round, they can carry more but it may not be as effective against the enemy. Larger rounds are better, but you can't carry as many. However, if you could increase the muzzle velocity substantially, small caliber bullets would be as effective as larger calibers. If you could get something the size of a b.b up to around 20,000 fps, it would probably pack the same punch as a 3006 traveling at what 1500 fps? Soldiers could easily carry hundreds and hundreds of bb sized rounds and not worry about running out of ammo in combat. But we need an that burns much faster than gunpowder to achieve this.

  • gitasatsangha

    I was at this aquarium and wildlife museum place one time, where they had a plant from the Amazon, well a tree really, that had a sap which could be burned in diesel engines without even refining it. There's supposed to be a plant like that in the Phillipines too. Vegetable oil, diesel plants, bring em all on. We could grow our fuel and let the Arabs go back to being the poor uncivilzed savages they've always dreamed of.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    We could grow our fuel and let the Arabs go back to being the poor uncivilzed savages they've always dreamed of

    Now wouldn't that be a real kick-in-the-pants!

  • Yerusalyim


    RE: Bullets, there are rounds that don't use gunpowder, they leave no casing after being fired either...back to our discussion.

    Horses are smelly, and the upkeep is horrible...nice to relax with, impracticle for doing your weekly shopping.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Horses "emit" pollutants too - even if you diaper them.

    WOW! A new career employment opportunity for Dub Pioneers -- Horse Daipering!

  • czarofmischief

    I wish horse transport would come back again

    The whole Matlhusian problem wa based on no alternative to horse transport, resulting in projections of London suffocating under a pile of manure...


  • Richie

    Or how about using methane gas - there are so many dumps around, that this type of gas will be emitted without too much cost. Put methane gas in bottles and use it as fuel in cars. (If you're low on "fuel", you can always eat a can of beans LOL)

    Richie :*)

  • avishai


    I'm buying a diesel, next car, because you can make biodiesel yourself at about 40 cents a gallon.

    Simon, no it's not the ONLY solution, but geez, it sure helps, and it's better than doing nothing.

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