jeez, they have a site for everything
by RR 13 Replies latest jw friends
codeblue that is funny!!!
GAYest freakin JW site I have ever seen.
I have a surefire way for a JW to lose PLENTY of weight:
Stop being a JW and you will instantly lose 50 pounds... of books and magazines. ;) -
new light
Perhaps they should just kill two birds with one stone and preach like the Mormons do...ride a bicycle to the territory and walk between all the houses. Their field service generally entails sitting in a car most of the time, walking down a few driveways, and then taking a completely undeserved break at the local doughnut shop. I swear, the reason that so many JWs are miserable and depressed is a lack of vigorous exercise. The dubs that allow themselves to be physically healthy are, in general, much nicer to be around.
They have two weekly meetings??? Good grief...what JW has the time for two MORE meetings??? LOL!
Edited to add: LOL@Corvin! You are a naughty boy!
The Official JWs Losing Weight Support Group Website
So there are imitation "JWs Losing Weight" sites also? Wouldn't want to wind up on one of those.
Yep, they've just renamed the Watchtower Farm to Watchtower Fat Farm
RR -- Of course the Tower's Fat Farm is headed by a bunch of Fat Heads.
Michael (Counting time at the Y)