Sign of the Beast

by seedy3 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • seedy3

    I just finished watching a program on the book of Revelation. It was a very interesting program. But one thing I came out with was a puzzle. When the mark of the beast was talked aboutit was noted that the letters that represent the number 666, also spells the name Nero. Now this was not a religious program it was actually a history type of program. A lot of the reasoning on this was becasue there is speculation that the book of Revelation was written soon after the time of Nero. Has anyone else heard this and perhaps done any research on it. I plan on continuing to research it, but if anyone has heard or found this before, please, let me know.

  • Larsguy

    The mark of the beast, which is also it's "name" is related to the practice of white supremacy within Christendom, unfortunately.

    The 666 relates to the trinity doctrine which basically says three gods are one god. Note that all three numbers are all one number, six.

    The way you calculate the NAME is by substituting the three sixes for the appropriate Jewish letters which you can find at Psalms 111!!

    What you do is simply add up the three sixes to make 18 and then add the number of digits to 18, which would ordinarily be 3 to make 21. Then you substitute the 21st letter for all the numbers which would be "SSS".

    However, since the trinity doctrine mystery has to do with three equals one, you don't add 3 to 18 but just 1 to 18 and thus you get 19. You thus substitute the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet for the three sixes to see if the name has any modern significance. That 19th leter is "koph" and thus you get "K-K-K", the known initials for white supremacy.

    But does that make any sense for the name of this beast?

    A long story, but yes! Don't forget one of these heads of the beast received a death stroke and than much is focussed on the Jews, God's chosen people, and that context. The "disgusting thing causing desolation" therefore is a key focus of what this beast is about. Thus, in a nutshell, it was Christian Nazis who destroyed the Jews during the HOLOCAUST, and the Nazi primary doctrine was one of white supremacy.

    So getting back to the mark of the beast. That mark would have to do with active or passive acknowledgement of white supremacist or Eurocentric beliefs which predominate our society today.

    When it speaks of anyone not being able to sell or do trade without the mark, it relates to white preferences in businesses, etc. This is clear since some laws have been passed such as in America dealing with this phenomena.

    For instance, without Civil Rights laws, certain non-whites could not stay in certain hotels or eat in certain restaurants. There were laws forbidding mixed marriages. And "Affirmative Action" was seen to be needed because of the practice of white preferences in business and schooling, etc. Even the "heros" of today's world, such as Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Mandella all became famous for speaking out against Eurocentric and white supremacist concepts and practices among Christian nations, etc.

    So, the shoe fits. Christianity, Europeans and racism seems to have gone hand-in-hand and thus has controlled the modern world, particularly in terms of business. Thus the "mark" would be related to those ideas of racial superiority and preferences among Europeans and accepting certain beliefs and concepts in that regard.

    Case in point, even evolution suggests the most advanced form of humanity is that of the Aryan nations, the blond and blue-eyed, whereas lower forms of humanity are the mongoloid and negroid races, etc.

    Thus anyone who caters to concepts of Euro-superiority ideas would have the mark of the beast, whether on their forehead, meaning they accept the concepts of racial superiority, or on their hand, meaning they actually practice Eurocentricity, and thus they would be excluded from the kingdom.

    Thus anyone with any racist ideas mixed in with their Christianity will be rejected by the Messiah at his second coming, whether they accept Jesus or not. Apparently racism is a key with for the Creator and he is bitterly opposed to it and intends to aggressively exclude racists from the kingdom.

    Thus, the "mark of the beast" is white supremacy, passive or active, basically.

    That's the advanced truth. I know this will be controverted, but that's expected. I don't have a defense beyond this observation; I'm just reporting what the advanced JIOR interpretation is. Everyone has their own belief. But it was white supremacy which destroyed the Jews so that's where the definition would start. The 666-Beast represents Christendom and it's acceptance and practice of white racism throughout modern times.

    An unfortunate reality and a touchy subject, of course. But that's it.


  • spinner

    Larsguy, I want to commend you for trying so hard to understand the
    number of the wild beast. You have worked very hard, but I completely disagree with you on the meaning of the number 666, the mark of the beast. There are two marks in the Bible, the one of the "beast, and the one of God. They are in opposition.

    If you read the passage in the book of Revelation 22:14, original Greek,it says, Blessed are those who keep the commandments of God, so
    the authority to go to the trees of life may be theirs. God's King-
    dom conditions are those in the 7th day laws. NO work, no buy or sell, no burdens, no fires, ALSO the Jubilee laws were all debts can-
    celled, land returned. The 7th year the land would rest.

    These are the EXACT conditions in the Garden of Eden. Which are the
    same conditions in God's Kingdom--His purposes re-established.

    The 666 means a man's number. Meaning not god's. Man not understanding the requirements, and not keeping the laws, and not being in the Kingdom.Their limit is 6 in all their acivity.

    The most important law in the Mosaic Law was the Sabbath laws, which
    include the above. See Exodus 31:12-14," Especially my sabbaths you are to keep, for it is a sign (SAME as MARK***) between me and you during your generations that you may know that I Jehovah am sanctifying you."
    ***Word used in Revelation 13:17 #5480,charagma, neut. noun, to engrave, meaning mark, or symbol. Matthew 24:30 #4592,semeion, neut noun, sign,mark, token. The complete Wordstudy Dictionary, (Greek),
    Zodhiates 1993.

  • Larsguy

    Hi Spinner: Thanks for your comment; however, this beast must be identified. It comes out of the "sea" and thus it represents Christendom's leaders. The "Lamb-Dragon" beast comes out of the earth and thus represents the leadership of apostate spiritual Isreal, meaning the GB of JWs. They work in concert, however, as the composite anti-Christ. Thus the "man" must be the 'man of lawlessness" who is the composite Anti-Christ it would seem.

    The number also is the NAME of the beast and so the Bible says someone with insight will calculate the number of the name.

    Rev 13:18 says: "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."

    A name must use letters, thus the number and the name are connected. In this case, all three numbers are the same and they are three, just like the trinity. The trinity doctrine is the primary false doctrine of Christendom and that formula is 3=1.

    The simple formula for calculating the number into the name is to add up the sum of the three numbers which is 18 and then add in the number of the digits, which is 3, to get a new number, 21, and then apply that to the Jewish alphabet which can be found in the Psalms, such as 111. But instead of adding three to 18, since all numbers are the same, that is, three numbers are really one number, like the trinity says three gods are one god, we add one.

    The Hebrew alphabet choices are thus either SSS or KKK.

    We then have to see if this has significance to the beast itself. Obviously, you can't have a white supremacist beast unless it has made it's mark in white supremacy, which it has since Germany is the head that received the death stroke and revived. Plus this is a focus since this head would be the "disgusting thing in a holy place that causes desolation" that is, the Nazis are the ones who invaded Poland, where the Jews were and devasted them during the HOLOCAUST. Their primary doctrine was that of Aryan supremacy.

    But in general, as I said, the "great men" of the world who are celebrated, particularly Martin Luther King and Gandhi and even Abraham Lincoln, and to a lesser extent but still pertinent, Mandella, are all celebrated because of fighting against white supremacist ideas. This is the result of European imperialism and concepts of racism. So Christendom as a whole, being primarily the religion of the Europeans can generally be said to be characteristically an oppressive society which puts Europeans above other races and these are supposed to be practicing Christians. But they are not.

    So you can't say a major problem with the Euro-Christianity has been their holding onto ideas of being separate and superior to other races. And there are many examples of that.

    And again, just the idea that a law was made with respect to "civil rights" and even "affirmative action" recognizes the reality of the control over commerce and white-Christian preferences in the society to the extent that those not having this "mark" cannot buy or sell.

    So we know the 666-Beast is Christendom and the head that received the death stroke Germany, since this head would revive and it has. Germany revived and now has the strongest economy, etc.

    So, the shoe fits and I believe this is the appropriate inference here and meaning. Thus the "mark" would be those catering to or actively promoting Eurocentricism or Aryan supremacy in the world which would exclude them from God's kingdom.

    Just my 2 cents.

    As far as the sabbath laws go...note that Jesus broke the Sabbath laws all the time to do healing, etc. Thus the greater fulfillment of the sabbath takes precendence over the Law Code which was replaced when Jesus fulfilled it. Thus believing upon Jesus will allow you to celebrate the great sabbath of the millennium and thus allow you to keep the sabbath. The sabbath means desisting from worldly ways and turning to God, making every day of your life a sabbath.

    In addition, some scriptures in the NT talk about not paying attention to dates so there is a firm belief that the sabbath laws were abolished after Christ came as far as keeping them, as were the animal sacrifices and many other things. We must recognize the spiritual sabbath and it's meaning now.

    My other 2 cents...(smile).


  • New Eyes
    New Eyes


    If I may say, go out and get your self a good study Bible like the NRSV. that Bible is accepted by all major Christian Religions, and has a line by line study gide. I hope you can luse your fear of the Apocalypes.

  • Francois

    You guys are all wet. The number of the beast, 666, is only a starting place for the true cognoscenti.

    First you start with 666 and divide by the square root of minus one.

    Then you plug that into the b (for beast) position in the quadradic equation and solve for a.

    Ok, got that? Now, take this product and add the amount of change in your left pocket and divide that number by Claudia Schiffer's IQ. (This is refered to as the Schiffer Brains maneuver.) Once you've got Schiffer Brains you're getting close to understanding the entire tortilla, or is that magilla? Anyway, you take the Schiffer Brains number and elaborate a simple excresence and multiply by any Fibonacci sequence, invert using the PDP 11-32 matrix inverter. Write this answer on a yellow sticky note on which you have put a small spot of Helllman's Mayo. Leave this on your refrigerator door, making sure that there's at least one housefly in the room. When the housefly leaves a flyspeck on the mayo spot VIOLIN! You've got the mark of the beast.

    And this makes just as much fuckin' sense as all the other bullshit on this thread.

    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • spinner

    Hi Larsguy,

    My vote is for simple. Luke said, 18:17, "Truly I say to you,
    whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a young child will by no means get in it."

    A little child could never understand your explanation. Spinner

  • larc


    That was outstanding! Laughed all the way through it, but seriously, I think you have the foundation of a new religion, and I was here to see it!

    I have another formula to explain the value of Larsguys thinking. Take zero to the tenth power and divide it by zero to the fifth power and the resultant answer provides the merit of his analysis. Now, for a more complex equation, take the result above and multiply it by 666 times 144,000 times the number of full moons in an average year. Magicly enough, you get the same results. In science this is known as the idiot's constant.

    Larc - of the looking for a Nobel prize class.

  • Larsguy

    Dear Larc and Francois,
    You folks can laugh all you want to. The Bible says: "This is wisdom..." a reference to Jesus. "Let him that has understanding calculate the number..." which could be an indication that the Messiah would be the one during the last days after his arrival to reveal the secret of the number.

    So there could be lots of interpretations of the number, but it is HIS interpretation revealed to the anointed eagle class (i.e. the woman with eagle wings whose place is in the "wilderness", or meaning an underground organization) that matters. I'm just providing that version of how you can calculate the number.

    But regardless of whether you accept that or not, the fact that this beast comes out of the sea proves it is representative of Christendom and the fact that the Lamb-Dragon beast comes out of the "earth" proves it is the beast from spiritual Israel, meaning associated with anointed ones of Jehovah's witnesses.

    So my explanation needed only to make sense or harmonize with this identity of the beast as Christendom, that harmonization simply basically meaning this beast would be marked by belief in the false trinity doctrine as a primary doctrine, which is true of Christendom, and that the nations of Christendom would tend to be white supremacists, either intellectually or in practice, the chief example of which was German Christians during the Nazi era who became the "disgusting thing...causing desolation" of of the Jews, but also fulfilled a specific focus on Jehovah's witnesses who were also targeted by Hitler.

    So this is knowledge provided and insight here. You can either pay attention to it, or go by your own beliefs and be WRONG. Those are your choices. (smile)


  • logical

    L i ars,

    You say that the WTS is the 2nd beast in Rev 13, which appears with horns like a lamb, and speaks as a dragon. Is this not the beast that enforces the "mark"?

    The mark of the beast is baptism as a JW.


    Now, take this product and add the amount of change in your left pocket and divide that number by Claudia Schiffer's IQ.

    Division by zero is impossible...

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