Whenever I read an angry post with racial slurs or just mean language, I think, okay, picture someone who desperately needs someone to trust. Are they us?
Okay -- but I'd say that most of the posts here are like the ones you're calling for. Every couple of days it seems there's an "I'm new" post, and no matter how many times it happens, people jump on board to welcome, celebrate, commiserate, what have you. There's a lot of empathizing, anecdote-swapping, joking, and, to use the Witness word, "fellowship."
But dammit, sometimes I'm pissed and I want to vent! So when some asshole troll loser like Sue comes along, I'll take the bait, even if she's baiting me! It's necessary, on some psychological level, for me to enact in a virtual forum some of the arguments I'd like to have with certain Witnesses (my father, old friends who shun me, a certain body of elders) in reality. I get to rehearse my arguments and vent, and in the process, I learn something.
Maybe it's too rough for some, but those people have the majority of the other threads on the board. And hell -- out of all the screaming that occurred on the "Asshole" thread, what happened? A series of apologies and mushy gooey hugs the like of which I have never seen on a DB before! Even Farkel promised to be "kinder and gentler"!
And that's real, man. It's honest, and I prefer it to fake geniality and cliched manners.