
by open_mind 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • open_mind

    I recieved a voicemail from my bookstudy conductor last night. He wants me to agree to a shepherding call. I do not want to meet with them.

    My question is if I do not agree to have this meeting with them, are they going to force me into a judicial hearing for not following the direction of the elders?

    I am trying to stall..........................

  • Skimmer

    If you don't want to meet with them, then don't meet with them.

    Now, if it were me, I'd meet with them on the condition that we would review a little material first. Like a big stack of WTBTS cover-ups, blinking light, and failed predictions.

    The only possible good that could come from a "shepherding call" would be the slim chance of planting doubts in the minds of the "shepherds". You would have to decide if it were worth your time.

  • chipster

    ask the good shepard what the topic for conversation is.....
    btw, do you have an upcoming CO visit?? as a former elder, i can tell you that we used to have to do a lot of "catch up" on sheparding calls right before the CO visit. LOL that way we could tell the CO that we've been very diligent in caring for the flock..LOL

  • Prisca

    Stall for time to give you more time to sort out what you want to do.

    Tell him that you are really busy just now, tell him some excuse that will tide you over, giving you more time.....

    They can't force you into a judicial meeting just for not having a "shepherding call". You can always give a million excuses for not meeting with them.

    However, be courteous with him, don't give him any reason to think you are antagonistic or anything.

    And hang in there! We are here to support you!

  • natred

    Invite them round, then hold them hostage to the WBT org.
    Demand alot of cash,if they dont give it to you transfuse both elders blood into each other,see how much the org really care

  • open_mind

    You are a funny person natred.......

  • Kent

    They will try to bully you, yes.

    I would tell him I didn't want any such call (if you really don't). If they come with any demands on any "committee meetings", tell them you need good time before the happening. This because you will need the time to have your lawyer appear, and he has a real busy scedule.

    Also, ask them to write you about the time and place, and why they want to talk to you. This because you need that so the lawyer can be properly informed before he shows up.

    That should give them a little to think about. The rules written in "Letter To All Bodies Of Elders" instruct them NEVER to write such things anywhere - because this may get the congregation, the elders and/or the Society into legal problems. Reason the Watchtower's own.

    So, I guess that's mu advice. I guess some of the elders here can confirm what I just stated.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Amazing

    Hi OPen: It depends on how they already view you. About 3 or 4 months after I walked away, I was still technically on hold as the Elders voted not to accept my resignation. One Elder, coordinating Shepherding visits called and wanted the visiting CO and PO to make a call on my family and I. I refused. He sent them anyway. I was not DF'd over it or asked to go to a JC meeting, because there were no allegations. Had I been further down the road in my exit, they may have held a JC meeting.

    Nowadays, when people stop attending meetings and field service, they are viewed as worldly. There is also in place a suspecion that those who draw away from meetings and field service may be possible apostates. Sometimes, if a JW who had stopped attending meetings, also is know to have said or questioned anything about the organization, in a manner suggestive or any possible disagreement, then this may be the underlying basis for making a determination. The Society is trying to get rid of everyone that does not toe the party line.

    I don't know what your situation is, whether you have gradually left off meeting attendance, or if you have done anything else to raise suspecions. But, a call from your Book Study conductor wanting to make a shepherding call sounds fairly routine. Id you permit the visit, but don't want it to lead to JC action, then be evasive when they question you, mention that you will try to do better without promising anything specific.

    I knew a JW man who kept this up for 16 years and he finally excaped the Eldes attention and now he is forgotten. When they came by to visit, he had nothing about him suggestive of apostasy, no books, no Christmas decorations. When they asked if he was going to return to meetings, he would simply say something like, 'I will give it a try, maybe this Sunday. I do have out out of town business trip, but if it is cancelled, then I just might be at the meting. Sure appreciate you guys inviting me. Real thoughtful.

    He just butterred them up, gave a vague notion that he might be there, if things work out. Of course, they never worked out. He is a close friend of mine, and former Elder as well. He would take the magazines, and in fact, would ask the Elders if they had the lastest issues. He would not promise to read them, but he just asked for them. This made the Elders feel he had some possible interest.

    He never said anything negative about the organizaton. When the Elders questioned his views, such as ask if he agreed with the Society, he would simply say something like, [b]'I can barely keep up with everyday life, I don't have much time to think about questioning deeper matters. The Society has done a lot of study and far be it from me to challenge any of their stuff.'

    Was he honest? Yes and no. Evasion and avoidance was his conscience, his game. He felt and acted this way for years until I brought he and his wife the two books by Ray Franz. They did read them, and they said it confirmed a lot of what they felt, and also gave them a lot of info that they never knew. But they have never changed their lifestyle. And they call me to ask about the latest word in the ex-JW world. But, for them, they are content to think about and do other things.

    It all depoends on your personality and how serious this affects you. I tired my best to escape gradually, but I am more outspoken and driven to study and find out what in the hell is going on. Once I feel I have a handle on the facts, I tend to talk. And, I was finally forced into being DA'd.

    Think about your goals, your personality, your situation with your family, and count the losses and gains should a shepherding call turn into a JC meeting. If you want to keep a low profile, then go alone with the Elders to a point and simply evade and make vague comments about what you might do, don't criticize the organization, and you might be able to pull it off. If you are like me and feel you have to take a stand, then do so, knowing the risks.

    I was able to act quietly tyo get my family out, and evade somewhat. It was time that got me. I could not stand to cow tow to these brain-dead men who only acted like robots. So, with each interaction, I became more bold until I was basically telling them to get lost ... and even then I acted carefully enough that they had to trump up charges with which to DA me. - Amazing

  • Alternative

    Meet with him.

    You have nothing to hide have you?

    Any way have a chat with him. Far greater benefit that chatting here.

  • ozziepost

    Alternative: You've got to be joking, of course! If you're serious, somehow I don't think you have it all together, do you? What are you doing here?


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

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