New ! A purse "Donations for Worldwide Preaching Work"
by Motema Bolingo 10 Replies latest jw friends
I think I'll buy one to hold my condoms.
LMAO Elsewhere.
They have an under the coat literature bag for that popular sneak presentation we all came to love and they have a flasher t-shirt with clear plastic pockets for handy insertion of the latest magazines. Just put the magazines in the front of the shirt and walk up to a person standing at a bus stop and open your overcoat to expose the word of God printed in four colors.
They have a men's fly roll up magazine holder so male Witnesses can whip out a magazine and to some incidental Witnessing when the opportunity arises. Many people have been favorably impressed with this type of Witnessing.
They have a shoulder Bible holster for those who like to whip out the Bible and point it at not at home doors like a gun. The special this month is one shoulder Bible holster and one crotch bag for only $49.99. The crotch bag is especially popular for Witnessing in crowded places and the presentation is very rewarding because the Witness appears to being going into a genital scratch motion while actually whipping out the latest magazines. Many new brothers and sisters have joined us due to the crotch magazine bag presentation.
Another popular item is the attache case motor scooter. What looks like a simple attache case is actually a collapsible Cushman motor scooter for those times when the slower publisher gets left behind the car group. In congregations where the scooter case is used, afternoon meetings for service attendance increased a full two percent. -
OMG Gary, that is hilarious!
Ah, those have been around for ages!
Oh, honey, you have no idea how much money I spent buying stuff from Stoops when I was a JW.
I even got my son, who was 3 or 4 at the time a little manly book back from them. I had it delivered at work, and even the nerdiest co-worker there told me that I was going to make my son a nerd. Got the metal little holder for the house to house reports, got myself a magazine thing that could be used alone or inside your bag. Actually, I have used that for other stuff too.
And how many faithful pioneers did you all know that bought a reasoning book and a lovely red leatherette bible and sent them in to be bound together for the ULITMATE PIONEER BIBLE?? Oh, my friends, I knew more than a few. And did the pioneers in your congregation all have that pioneer bag that looked like a box on a strap? That was huge in my congregation...but god forbid you had the nerve to buy one if you were not a reg aux or reg pioneer...the nerve!
Also makes a good stash pouch for those stoner dubs who like to twist up a fatty while working the rural areas. The cops never look in the money bags.
gumby...hahaah!!! too funny
Ridiculous. I remember when my congr. first time launched WWW box at the end of KH. The Branch letter was read in KM meeting ask for every bros. and sis. should prepare a pouch seperate from their own wallet and "...better has "Donation Purse" or other words similar to.." Then the next meeting, the bro. who suggested it should say sorry to the idea and withdraw it because of gov't can catch "our minister" in doing selling publications in the name of "Donation" on purpose. He explained the idea did send to Branch and Branch excluded that silly idea further exlanation is if you receive donation, the action is not predictable. However in this case, you do have a pouch or purse with "Donation Money" on it, and you do mean the householders should contribute (or "donation" as sweettalk) money when you hand to them publications. I had no idea that time, but remember the congr. all agree to avoid taxation office will make trouble with purse has "Donation..." on it.