Any Ex-JW Bible Believing Christians

by clash_city_rockers 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • clash_city_rockers

    Elder Who, that is very ineresting way how you put it.

    chappy you said:

    I also believe the Bible has a personal message for everyone

    Yes it does, It calls all Men and women to Faith in Jesus Christ and Repentance of Sin

    chappy you also said:

    A particular scripture may tell me something I want or need to know where as the next person may get something quite different.

    cute that this may sound, this is just plan Barthian non-sence. The bible does not have different secret meaning for different people but the same meaning and message for all so that they may know Christ in a redemptive way. One can not interprate the bible in a consistant maner in the way that you speek of.

    anew writes:

    Yes, very much so, yet not determined as to how.

    Only by God's Grace by Friend only by God's Grace.

    But God who's rich in mercy just read Eph 2

    grace and peace,


  • ellderwho

    Clash CR,

    The apostle Paul describes me to the TEE.

    Romans 7:23
    but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members.


  • Mary

    Well, I still believe that Jehovah is God..........I just don't believe that the WT is the 'one true religion'...............

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    I'm the same way Mary.

  • clash_city_rockers

    Yea Elder Who,

    That is the typical struggal for all Christians against indwelling sin but then only christians gan fight against sin and temptation. I like J.I. Packers chapter on this topic in his "Keep instep with the Spirit" book.



  • new light
    new light
    only christians gan fight against sin and temptation

    Assuming that "gan" is meant as "can", I must say that you could not be more wrong. I applaud Christianity for empowering people to resist their animal instincts, but to say that Christians are the only ones who do this is pure ignorance. Try conquering your demons without prayers and ritual, and when you succeed, you'll see religion for what it really is. I don't mean to lash out, but your comment was most offensive. Have a nice day.

  • lv4fer

    Yes, I'm a Christian and proud of it! I'm so glad to be out of the JW's, but I can't help but wonder why god let me be sucked into it. I'm sure there is a reason. OR maybe I was just stupid and my brain went numb for 15 or so years! I have so many regrets. I lost years of fellowship with my family who I distanced myself with while I was in. I can only say I'm so happy I'm out now.

  • TresHappy

    Believer here...

  • new light
    new light

    I just want to apologize for invading this thread. I had no right to make the comments I did, especially being uninvited. This is a thread for Christians, and it was rude of me to take shots at people's beliefs. I will sincerely try to avoid doing this again. Sorry.

  • Yizuman

    Never been an JW, but had been actively in ministering JWs, Mormons and the likes for years and still do from time to time when the situation arises.

    I've been saved since I was 17 years old, blackslid the Lord for a while until I turned 23 and rededicated my life to Lord. Because at the time at age 17, I had no real idea or concept of what it means to be a true Christian until I got older and wiser to understand what it meant.

    It wasn't until then I felt God's presence for the very first time when I knelt on my knees to answer God's call to return home. I felt ashamed and unworthy, but it quickly got replaced with peace and love like I have never felt in my whole life. I knew right then I was forgiven and felt free from the bondage of sin.

    I'm glad to be home and am ready and willing to serve the Lord and to help bring JWs out of bondage at any given time. So far, I had about 3 in memory to date that left the Borg, I hope others I have witnessed to have left as well. I can only pray.


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