Today WT Study, and the never good enough for GOD stuff

by DaCheech 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat
    Matthew 11:30

    For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light. ...

    But to the GB there is nothing that is light and the yoke of (man is heavy.)!! They expect people in this day and age to be as agile and healthy as they were or are. The burdens imposed by the org. is cruel and unrelentless.

    How can anyone enjoy the yoke of Christ and be a happy JW, the two don't mix. Its a oxymoron.

    Since age 20 I started taking medications for my nerves and depression as I had to aspire to my parents desires and the organization and daddy was an elder from 1965 until his death in 1995, and I watched him get older and older as the years went by. He aged quicker than was normal. His health faultered and he got cancer on his kidney and had it removed, but a heomorrage developped after surgery and because of the no blood stuff he went into a coma and died within three wks. Watching my mother and sisters fall apart and at the same time they still tried do alll the congregation responsiblities, they developed in to robots in hyper speed. In a mode that was zombie like. How sad that the Org. leads people to a life that no longer allows them to literally stop and smell the roses and enjoy any form of freedoms, for fear they are watching you and spying on you and I have seen it done on many an occasion..

    My whole family that are JWS and that is all of them except me and my aunt out of 33 family members are gobbled up by restraints shackling you to do this and have to do that and go to all the meetings and pray and study and study and study and preach and preach and teach and there is no time left what so ever for any to enjoy life. Only its heavy burdens. Its a disgrace what the GB has done to an organization of people. And yet its strange that they are the ones whose eyes are blinded.

    I don't think I truly really ever knew a real honest to goodness happy person in the organization. For fear someone thinks that you aren't doing enough they fear and thus push and push untill the breaking mentally and emotionally and maybe both. And all for what?? To Maybe Get the prize or everlasting life at the end . I will remain a happy person though disfellowshipped and I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in china. or anywhere else for that matter.

    Armeggadon is their " FEAR FACTOR" Thats what JWs are doing every hour or everyday of the week, month and year, year in and year out. All for what? Yes maybe life eternal..

    To you and all who have been suppressed by the organization my heart aches for you as so many have wasted so many years trying to find happiness only to be dissillusioned in the end.

    I do hope all won't suffer to long with their physical heath and well being as there is so much in life to do that will indeed make you happy. Drop their burden and enjoy a life of happiness with a world of truly wonderful people of the human race..

    Love Orangefatcat...

  • DaCheech

    When I dated my wife I saw something I never saw before:

    My father-in-law not only said grace in morning, lunch, dinner, studies, & meetings.... But even if you had some ice cream after

    the study! I was dumfounded, We have to thank Jeh.. this many times?

  • Mary
    Am I the only one that noticed that they purposely left out verse 30? "jesus' load is light"

    Hey, they came right out at the summer assembly a few weeks ago and said that being " the Truth is hard work..." They compared it to learning how to play the piano. "...It takes alot of sacrifice and hard work to learn how to play that instrument. And the truth is no different. We've got 5 meetings a week, field service, preparation for meeting parts, personal study in addition to all our regular chores. Some begin to feel then that the Truth is a burden. But brothers, is that really how we should view all these gifts from Jehovah---as a burden?...."

    The hairy he-goat then went on to tell us that it's just a matter of "priortizing" and "putting Kingdom interests first". They have to say this crap, because they know full well that they're just as guilty as the Pharisees about "binding heavy loads" upon everyone's shoulders. Hell, I figure after doing all the crap that the GB has demanded for so many years, that the Pharisees' demands would be like a picnic at the beach!!

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