?How does any organization run by such lunatic people become so successful and make so m oney
by AlanF 71 Replies latest jw friends
?How does any organization run by such lunatic people become so successful and make so m oney
Real Video clip on the street with a JW
http://www.dannyhaszard.com/cultvideos.htm from here i love this s**t
I don't think the WTBS is organized by the Devil anymore than any other Christian relgion is. Crazy, puritanical, control freaks, looking for salvation. Nothing new really.
Ang - "if he chooses not to post that is HIS problem not ours." - and all of our loss. Too bad ya'll couldn't have worked it out. I miss AlanF. Oh, well life goes on.
I got deleted from the Kingdom Hall once, but they let me back in after about a year.
One week, one year..... same soup different kitchen.
AlanF had a posting style that was unique from day one that really made people think when they tried to stick their head in the sand and ignore sound logic. It was his essays and debates while assertive at times that helped my exit from the WT the most. Because they really made you think. As far as what I could tell, he never changed his posting style from even before JWD existed, but all of the sudden it became a big problem.
Farkel had some good stuff too. Anyone heard anything from Doug? Now I am in the mood for some of his Christmas music.
Their depature is a huge loss to JWD IMO.
Enigma One, they did work it out. AlanF is free to post anytime he wants. He is also free to refrain. I agree it is our loss, but we all should keep in mind that this is not our server space, it is not our expense, it is not our headache.
Auld - you know what I'm talking about. When I said "ya'll" that meant all parties. AlanF as well. Frankly, I also get annoyed when others constantly harp, "If you don't like it leave", or "our way or the highway". Thanks but no thanks I've already been a part of that kind of organization.
I'm in advertising. I deal with "crappy" commercials all day. However, when considering any business, yes JWD is a business, what is the net result of any advertising campaign, crappy or not. In this case you would look at 1.) new posters, 2.) total posts, 3.) number of inactive posters. When you look at all three of these things you will find what you are looking for. "Crappy" commercials can be quite effective, as a "crappy" poster could be as well. So is this board better off missing that group of posters or worse? Do the math. The numbers will not lie.
JWD is not a final destination, it is a hitching post. Good people will move on. We have to, to allow new posters to shine and grow. I do miss AlanF's contribution. But perhaps Shining One and I would never have had it out, if Alan had been around to whup his behind.
Quite true Jnat. Very true indeed. Will you feel so happy-go-lucky when it's your time to leave? Time will tell, and I hope you aren't up for parole any time soon. LOL.
Hmmm sounds a little bit like Scientology to me. Next thing you know they'll start making their own "auditing" machines.
I"m not advocating Scientology...LOL. Silly banana.
But when I say JWD is a business I am quite correct. What is it's mission statement? To help struggling JW's exit the cult. Correct? While they are certainly not running this site as a "profit" center it still is a business. If you treat it as such in basing decisions....it helps. I'm not saying whether or not Simon & Ang do run it like a company or not. I'm just spewing my 2 cents on it here. That's the beauty of a DISCUSSION board. I'd love to see JWD triple in size. It would mean JWD has helped that many more people out of "the lie".
As a business you must ask yourself every day, am I managing my resources correctly? Just as one needs to look at server load, or bandwidth, to run this site.....the overall content brought to the market by "us", (JWD posters) needs to be examined. Is the "content" of the JWD message better or worse with the addition or subtraction of any one or group of posters? Look at the numbers.
I manage a creative team for work. Do I harness their ideas and bring the to market via the customer? What can I do better? Am I listening to what my team is telling me is right for the business vs. what the client says is right for their business? We implement our plan, then track the numbers. Were our suppositions correct? Or not?
Just as McDonald's is NOT a food company. It's a marketing company. A marketing company that just so happens to market food.