My mom is worried!!

by Junction-Guy 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    My mom is an ex jw and was disfellowshipped in 1980. She is worried about my upcoming plans to picket the convention, she is afraid that I will get arrested and lose my job. I told her this is basically something I feel I have to do and the only way to get this off my chest and feel a sense of satisfaction. I assured her I wouldnt scream or cuss at people but would act civilized and pass out flyers concerning several issues. She agreed the WT society and its teachings were very detrimental to us growing up, however as a mom she cant help but be concerned for me. I told her that basically I dont worry too much about jail, as I work in a jail and its a very familiar environment for me, if I happen by chance to get arrested it wouldnt be a traumatic experience, just another thing in life to deal with. I told her that keeping this stuff bottled up inside me was only killing me and the only way for me to deal with this is to confront it head on. Jehovah's Witnesses won free speech and religious rights in the supreme court and I plan to use them to the full against them. Even though I dont usually agree with the ACLU, I believe I might check with them on this issue and see if I would be covered under these laws. Anyway I just thought I would tell you all about this and see what you think.


  • minimus

    Dave, I hope you get a permit to picket. Why get arrested for nothing? Even if it makes you feel good, think about your mom.

  • kls

    As a mom i would worry to. Do check out the ordinances in your area just to be sure. I doubt you will be arrested for just standing outside with a sign. Might be a good idea not to flash anyone.,,,, Goodluck

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You may want to check to see if a permit is required then if you have the permit and are peaceable no one can complain - also might need to make sure you stay off the property they have reneted and stay on city propoerty

  • Elsewhere

    It's your legal right to protest just as it is the JWs right to hold a convention... sure you may need to get a permit... but this is nothing anyone could be arrested for.

    Just check on your local ordinances and make sure you abide by them.

    No bid deal.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well you do have a point minimus, I did call the police dept. there and they said nothing about getting a permit. I believe if I approach this from a religious angle and pass out some anti-jw tracts with some bible verses on them, I believe this would be covered under the freedom of religion clause in the constitution, after all if JW's have the legal right to witness on public sidewlks, why shouldnt I? If I were to get arrested, could you imagine the legal ramifications and precedences this would set for the courts? Well anyway I know the law enough to know where to draw the lines and I promise I wont do anything illegal, I will just be exercising my legal rights to free speech and religion.


  • Junction-Guy

    One more thing- IF JW's arent required to get permits to pass out bible tracts, why should I be? The WT society went to court against the city of Stratton Ohio and won the right to proselytize without registering, why should I be required to register or obtain a permit? I honestly believe I should check with the ACLU on this one and get their opinion as to the legalities of it.


  • Elsewhere

    In my experience with protesting events, the cops really don't pay much attention to you so long as you don't go way over the top and start disturbing the peace or anything like that. Even if you do break a law the cops will just kindly ask you to stop whatever you are doing and leave you a lone. You really have to push them before they will arrest you.

  • kls

    Junction guy, do what makes you feel you have to do. Do it for you ,check with the ACLU for your own piece of mind. You are right ,the jws come on private property with out the owners conscent,you should have the right to assemble and protest on public property.

  • Lehaa


    Good on you. If that's what you feel you want to do then go ahead.

    I would be worried as well if I were your mum too, but as long as you're careful and don't break the law then I hope you have a great time.

    Let us know how it goes



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